Part 27, Caskett moment

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*Kate POV*

I wake up next to my great husband and smile. My life has become so much better than I could ever think of. After my mothers murder everything changed and my only concern was to help my father form his drink addiction. After everything that has happened from the life that I've lost to the life I've saved the only thing I thought about was becoming the best detective there could be and solve my mothers murder.

I never ever in my whole imagination thought I would end up marrying the writer who got me through my mothers murder and have a child with him. Now that my mothers murder is over and I got Bracken behind bars everything has just become more and more better. My little sister Ziva is getting married now and she has that glow on her that I know all to well after I met Castle I had that exact same glow in my eyes.

I know my life has become such a beauty and I wouldn't want to change anything about it. From my friends to my family, from my terrible heart breaking moments to the best moments of my entire life.

I give Castle a kiss and after a couple of seconds I can feel him kissing back. "Good morning beauty." "Good morning babe." I reply. "How did you sleep?" "I slept like a baby." Castle says and I laugh. "What are you laughing at?" Castle asks. "It's just so you to say it like that." "But you do love it right?" "Yes, yes I do." I say and smile at him.

"What are we going to do today?" "Well first I'm going to take a shower and if you want to you can join me. And after breakfast we're going to meet Ziva, Tony, Kensi and Deeks at the beach for some surfing and sunbathing and some fun things Ziva has planned." I answer and look up to see that Castle is gone.

"Huh? Castle where are you?" "In the bathroom." "Serious Castle have you even listened to what I said." "Yeah yeah, something about beach and surfing or something like that." I laugh and walk to the bathroom to see Castle with the biggest goofy grin on his face and already naked ready to step into the shower.

I just stare at him looking him up and down and lick my lips. "See something you like detective?" He asks smiling. "Very much." I answer. "But next time keep listening till I'm finished with my story and not act like a kid who is promised to get a ice cream if he is there fastest." I laugh and before I can say another thing Castle his lips are on my lips kissing me with passion and full of lust and love.

He grabs the shirt of him I'm wearing at nights and pulls it over my head. Then he looks at me and fast unclips my red lace bra and pulls my black lace thong down. In the process he has already put the shower on and as he is kissing me we sort of walk if it's possible into the shower.

He grabs my arms and puts them above my head. He starts kissing my neck and comes at the spot that makes my knees go weak. He smirks and starts sucking at the spot. I moan and move my hips against his manhood. I hear Castle moan as well and feel him getting harder under me. He starts kissing down my neck to my breasts and starts sucking and biting at my nipple while he is massaging my other breast with his free hand. I moan even louder and just can't take his teasing anymore.

"Castle please." "What is it Kate, you don't like it?" Castle asks in a mischievous tone. "Get.. Inside.. Me.." I hardly get out and Castle just smirkes. "Impatient detective." I just stop talking, because I know he will do it at his pace this time. Suddenly I feel his finger getting into me and I start moaning louder. "You're so wet and tight Kate." He moves it in and out and puts another two fingers into me and starts moving them in and out really quick.

I'm about to come and he knows it so he moves down with his head and pulls his fingers out. He licks his fingers and then starts sucking at my vagina hard and puts his tongue in and out. When I come I moan the loudest of all. Castle keeps his mouth there and drinks all of it. He then comes back up and starts kissing me again and I can taste myself in his mouth.

"God I love you." I moan. "I love you too babe, your just so perfect every inch of you." Castle answers and in a quick move I jump up and put my arms around his neck and legs around him in the process I put him in me and we both moan.

Castle has a shocked look on his face first. "Where did you learn that?" Castle asks and I laugh. "Impressed writer boy?" "Really impressed." Castle answers and starts trusting into me and with each trust he goes faster and harder and I moan with each trust louder. After a couple more trusts we both come and continue with our shower.

After we are done doing each others hair and washing each others body we dry each other and put our swimming clothes on. I put a yellow loose summer dress on over it and castle a t-shirt with some shorts. After we're done getting dressed we walk to the beach together holding hands.

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