Part 13, The talk

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*Ziva POV*

We are all four sitting at the dinning table for breakfast. "Did you two sleep well?" I ask and they both nod, unable to speak because their mouths are full with scrambled eggs with bacon and toast. I smile and give Tony a kiss. "What are you doing silly?" Tony whispers in my ear not knowing what to do. "Kissing my boyfriend." I say while kissing his ear. "I don't want to hold it back anymore, I don't care what other people think everyone can know that we are together." I say smiling and give him another kiss on the mouth. "God, I love you Ziva." "I love you too." We look at Kensi and Deeks their faces and they are priceless. "You two are together?" Deeks stutters and Kensi still watches us in shock. "Yes we are." Tony says proudly and gives me a kiss on the cheek. Deeks and Tony stand up and wash the dishes. "Well done DiNozzo." I hear Deeks say and smile to myself. "The food was amazing by the way Ziva, you're a really good cook." "Thank you Deeks."

"How long?" Kensi suddenly asks. "Let us go to your room." I say as we stand up and walk to Kensi and Deeks their room. "Tell me the whole story siss." Kensi says and I love it that we became so close together. "Well when we arrived here in Los Angeles Tony asked me out and after that he told me he loves me and would die for me. Because I told him I could not do it because I am broken goods and everyone who gets to close to me always ends up dead or wounded." "Zi never ever tell yourself that again, you're amazing and the best friend and sister someone could ask for your not broken, there are just some pieces which need to be put back in their place again and I'm sure Tony will be the one who can and will do that." "Thank you Kens, you are the best and know that you have already put some of the pieces back." I say and give her a hug.

"Now about you and Deeks." Kensi rolls her eyes and gives a huge sigh. "It won't work Zi, he can get so much better than me so why would he stick with me. I have to many pieces to be put back again." Kensi says and my heart just sinks. "Kens how can you think that, you are amazing and I know Deeks loves you. I know how hard it is and I know you think you can never be put back together again and no one will ever love you, but their is always someone who will love to the moon and back. I had so many walls up when I first came in America and I only broke down more after my brother.." I say trying to hold back the tears which are forming in my eyes. "..But Tony and my whole family at NCIS and you and Deeks have shown me that family is more than DNA and there are people who love you and be there for you no matter what is going on. And I know that G, Sam, Hetty, Nell, Eric and hell even Granger are more to you than just colleges and they will do what after it takes to have their sister save. But Deeks is different for you he is not just family he means so much more to you and you to him, Tony and I were at this position for a long time as well, but we sorted it out and look how happy I am now." I say and smile about the thought of me and Tony, he has shown me to love again and put my walls down again. "Eventually you will have to life with everything, but you'll learn to live in the present and not in the past anymore."

"They are family to me, but I don't know how to tell Deeks.. I know I'll break down if Deeks doesn't feel the same way and I don't want to be more broken than I already am." "Kens he loves you with his whole heart trust me.." I say giving her a reassuring smile. I want to talk again when we hear a car door close. We look out of the window and four men are walking to the house.

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