Part 25, Dinner

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I'm really sorry for not updating in a while, but someone very close to me had a cardiac arrest.. I'd rather not say who for the person. I hope you understand why I didn't update and respect it. Hopefully you will still be reading my story.

*Kate POV*

"Castle are you almost finished?" "Yeah coming." Castle shouts and runs out of the bedroom. "Finally, what took you so long?" "I can't find my blouse." Castle says still searching through the room.

"Let me help you, which one?." I ask and look up at him. "My blue one." I turn around and he just lies there. "This one?" I ask and smile. "Yes, where was it?" Castle says relieved. "On the barstool, just relax. It's just a dinner." I say and give him his blouse.

"Thank you babe and yeah I know, but I just want everything to be perfect." "It's just Ziva and our new friends." I smile. "Yeah, I know and your right, but it's just I don't know what it is, but something inside me tells me it needs to be perfect." Castle says. "It's going to be perfect." I say and give him a kiss.

It gets more heated in no time. We make out till we hear the doorbell ring. We quickly put our clothes and hair right again and walk together to the door, Castle having his arm wrapped around my waist.

*Ziva POV*

I knock on the door and turn around to see Kensi and Deeks making out by the car. I know Kate and Castle are making out as well, because usually they're at the door immediately.

"All four of you guys stop making out and come to the damn door." I yell and laugh as I hear four people running to the door as fast as they can. I look at Tony and he is laughing as well.

"Come in." Kate says after she has opened the door. We walk inside to the table and take our places. I'm sitting next to Tony and Kate and Kensi is sitting next to Deeks and Castle.

"So how did he propose?" Kate asks me while we're having dinner. "Well after we went out for dinner and to ANTM we went to the beach for my plan." "Wait, you guys did get together?" Kate interrupts me smiling and looking at Kensi and Deeks. "Yes we did." They say at the same time. "Good, because you guys are so perfect for each other. Now continue Zi." Kate says turning her head to me again.

"Well like I said we went to the beach and I told him to run away on 3 and then we went to the pier. While standing there I looked out at the sea and when I looked at Tony again he was on one knee and he propose. I of course said yes and that's the story." I say smiling and Castle and Kate congratulate us and give us each a hug.

The rest of the dinner we talked about work and how Kate and Castle got together, because the others would like to know and Castle and Kate wanted to know how Tony and I got together in the first place.

We are all sitting on the couch with the radio on listing to some music and talking about all sorts of stuff. When Tony suddenly comes with the idea to play truth and dare. "Okay." Kate, Castle and I say. "Sure." Kensi and Deeks say.

"I'll start." I say. "Castle when was the first moment you thought I love Kate?" "When I first saw her beautiful face I just fell in love with her and I still love her to the day of today." "I love you too babe." Kate says and leans her head on Castle his shoulder. "You two have always been perfect together, it just took you four years to figure that out Kate." I say and give her a reassuring smile. Knowing what she's been through and knowing how hard it hit her all. Luckily her mothers case is closed now and she can move on.

"Kate what is your number?" Castle asks and we all laugh. "You always wanted to know that, but you should never ask a girl her number, but I'll tell you. 5 and counting you as well 6." Kate says. "Was that so hard to say, it's not like you would walk away from me anymore." "Sure about that cowboy?" Kate says and we all laugh again. "Yes I'm sure, because I won't let you go out of my life again anytime soon." Castle says and only Kate and I know that he refers to the shooting of Kate.

Kate quickly continues so no one will ask something. "What was the worst thing you did in high school Tony?" "I put buckets with blue paint in all the class rooms and let the buckets turn around and had all the paint fall on the kids and teachers." Tony says laughing at the memory. "I got suspended for 2 weeks, but it was worth it." We all shake our heads and laugh.

Tony continues with his question for Kensi. "Are you going to tell everyone about you back in LA Kens?" "I don't know if I can, I don't want to be transferred to another division." Kensi answers. "I'm sure it's going to go just fine." Kate says. "Well I'm not sure of that." Deeks says. "It'll be just fine, Castle and I are also still here." Kate says and we all laugh. "Yeah Gates took it pretty well for her doing." I say. "It was a miracle come true." Castle says and we all laugh again.

"My turn. Did you know I was a cop when you first met me Deeks?" "I found you suspicious when you walked into that MMA gym, but I didn't think much of it until you were in the house and came up with all those stories. I knew you weren't what you said you was, but I couldn't place you right at the moment."

"Ziva I got a question for you. Why did you become a citizen of America?" I freeze and only Tony, Kate and Castle know why. "It's okay, I'm here." Tony soothes me. I can see the fear in Deeks' eyes and I feel guilty if I'm not going to tell them. "You don't have to tell it now if you don't want to." Kate says and turns to me to give me a hug. "Yes, yes I do." I say and start telling the story." (I'm not going to write the whole Somalia story, because we all now how it went..)

After I told them we had a movie night. We first watched Maleficent, second we watched The blind side, third we watched Speed and last we watched Cake. It was somewhere around 6/7 in the morning so we went to sleep. Castle and Kate in their room, Tony and I in one guest room and Kensi and Deeks in another guest room.

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