Part 10, Case

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I also loved the character Lauren Hunter, I don't know exactly why but she just got to me. So in this fan fiction she's still alive and is dating Callen. She was on an undercover mission for 2 months and is now back to help the case, because they come 2 men short.

*Lauren POV*

I just came back from a two month undercover mission in Canada. I'm at the airport now getting my suitcase. Then somebody puts his arms around my waist and I jump a little. "Hey babe, how was your undercover mission?" I turn around and see my boyfriend Callen standing there. I smile and put my arms around his neck and give him a passionately kiss. "It was okay, but I missed you so much baby." "I missed you too." Callen says and gives me another kiss.

"I'd love to talk and cuddle on the couch with you now, but we need your help." G. says al of the sudden with concern in his voice. "What's wrong?" I ask. "We have been compromised, but Eric and Nell could stop it before everything came out. Two agents been compromised and are at a safe house now. But because we are two men short now we need somebody else and we hoped you could help us." "Who have been compromised and I'll help, we can drive to OSP right now." "Kensi and Deeks are compromised and I'll drive us to OSP." "Are they safe?" "Yes they are in a safe house with two agents from D.C." "Is perhaps Ziva David one agent from D.C.?" "Yes how did you know?" "Long story, I'll have to catch up with her before she leaves again."

*At OSP*

We arrive at OSP and Callen immediately goes upstairs to ops with Sam on his trail. I however first go to Hetty to talk to her. "Miss. Hunter how are you?" Hetty says looking up from the papers and smiles. "I'm fine Hetty, how are you?" "Still the same." I laugh and say, "Well I'll go join G. and Sam in ops." "We can catch up later miss. Hunter." "I hope we can." I say with a sigh, because every time we plan to catch up I need to go undercover again.

I run upstairs and walk into ops center. "Hunter what a surprise to see you here." Sam says annoyed. "I asked her to help." Callen answers. I still need to earn their trust for a part, but I'm getting there. I do understand them I did just show up out of nowhere years ago then disappeared and came back again a year ago. G. does trust me and he always comforts me and says I'll get their trust eventually, I just hope he is right. "How have you been Lauren?" Nell and Eric ask. They accept me a little bit faster and I think I'm close by getting their trust. "I'm fine, thank you for asking. How have you been?" "We're fine, but we really should concentrate on the case again." Nell says. "Yes we should."

"Everyone out and put ops on lock down Mister. Beale." Hetty says walking into ops. Eric puts ops on lock down and begins his briefing. "The one who hacked into our system works here with us. Because he or she logged into one of the computes with their own name and only needed to break a couple of walls after that but that person has his computer protected really well, because we still haven't found out yet who it was and where he send it to." Eric says whilst Nell keeps working on her computer. Then Nell speaks with an answer that makes this case a whole lot easier.

I know this is a boring part for those who don't like Lauren Hunter, but I do love her character and her chemistry with Callen and this part was necessary to this story. Next chapter will be more Densi and Tiva. Probable the chapter after that one will contain the answer Nell had and if Lauren will be accepted or if that still will take a while.

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