Part 28, Sunbathing and Surfing

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*Kensi POV*

I wake up through the sun rays shining through the window. I look at my right and see Deeks smiling at me. "What?" I ask blushing a bit. "Just your smile is so perfect." Deeks says and that makes me smile and blush even more. "And there it is." He says and gives me a passionate kiss.

I kiss back and after a couple of minutes I start getting out of bed. I walk to the suitcase to get my clothes, when I notice that Deeks is still in bed starring at me. "Stop starring and get out of bed." I say laughing at him.

"Well I do like the view from here and I thought why not enjoy it Fern." I walk to him and hit him in the shoulder. "Don't call me Fern Shaggy. And now get out of bed and get ready." I say and while I'm smiling I walk back to my closet to get my bikini and a white summer dress.

I'm wearing a shirt of Deeks and it comes just above my knees so I just take my thong of and put my bikini bottom on. I put my bikini top on under my shirt and take the shirt off.

Then I feel Deeks his arms wrap around me and he starts kissing my neck. I let out a moan, because he just hits that spot what makes me melt. If Deeks doesn't has such a strong hold on me I would just fall to the ground. He turns me around so he's facing me and I look into his mesmerizing eyes. "You have such beautiful mismatched eyes and your so perfect." Deeks whispers into my ear what makes me smile even more and kiss him again.

"Now let me put my dress on." I say and he laughs. "Totally ruined the moment you had to do that Sugarbear?" Deeks says and I laugh as well. "Just put your clothes on okay?" Deeks pouts and turns to his suitcase. I put my dress on and try to zip the zipper on the back, but I can't get it.

So I just turn around walk to Deeks who just happens to have put his boxers down and is standing naked in front of me. He turns around and I just stare at him and when I look at his face he has the biggest grin on his face and I quickly turn around. "Serious Deeks, put something on." I say and keep standing with my back to him. "Don't like what you see Kenselina." "Just put something on."

I hear Deeks grab something and then he walks in front of me. "You can look again you know." I look up and see Deeks just inches away from me. "Could you just zip my dress up?" I ask and turn around. He zipped my dress up and I get goosebumps from his touch. He goes very slowly on purpose and my knees start getting weak again. When he finally is done I quickly turn around again and walk to the door. "I'm going to make breakfast." I say and walk out blushing like a mad woman.

*Ziva POV*

Kensi and Deeks walk hand in hand in front of us and Tony and I walk behind them with our hands intertwined.

"Are we going to tell Gibbs when we get back?" Tony asks me. "I don't know I don't want to lie to him, but I also don't want a Gibbs being pissed off all the time." I hear Tony chuckle and look at him. "What?" "I get it, but we can't hide it from him, can we?"

"I don't think so and I really want to keep wearing my engagement ring at all times. I don't care if suspects can take advantage of that, because then I'll show them some of my Mossad training." I say and hear Tony laughing out loud now. "That's my Israeli ninja." He says and I smile. "I love you Zi." "I love you too Anthony Dinozzo Junior." I say and laugh at him giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"You four are so cute." I hear Castle say and glare at him. "Shut up writer boy." I say and Kensi gives him a death glare. "Hey! Only Kate can call me that." "Sure thing writer boy, I'm sure Kate doesn't mind me calling you that." I say emphasizing the 'writer boy'.

"That's sweet of you babe, but you know I don't mind Ziva calling you that. But no one else can call you that and I'll make sure of it." Kate says and gives him a kiss on the cheek. "Love you." "Too babe."

"Okay enough with all this cute doing stuff. Let's surf!" Deeks suddenly says and we all laugh, because we know how much Deeks loves surfing. "You guys can go first, we will go sunbathing first." Kate says and we all agree.

We put our blankets on the beach and put our dresses out. "Are they really all three staring?" Kensi asks annoyed. "Yes, yes they are." I say laughing and Kensi and Kate laugh as well.

"Let's tease them." I say and Kensi and Kate look at me with that look like 'are you really Ziva?' "What it's vacation I can let go a little bit right?" They laugh and ask, "What do you want to do?" Kate and Kensi ask.

"Let's just put our blankets down, but stand straight, so that your ass is showing really well." I say and they agree. After we put our blankets down we turn around and the guys are still staring and didn't even notice we were looking at them.

We all three have our hands on our sides and suddenly they see our angry faces and quickly jump into the water with their surfing boards. We laugh and can't stop laughing for a while. "They really bought it, that we were angry." Kensi says and we start laughing again.

*Kate POV*

We are talking about all kinds of stuff and we schedule what we are going to do tomorrow, because we have a girls day. "How late should we leave?" I ask. "09:00 PM, then we can have breakfast somewhere." Kensi says and we agree.

"After that we can go shopping and have lunch somewhere and I'm sure we can still shop after that." Ziva says and we all agree once again, there isn't really a moment we don't agree and that makes this friendship so perfect.

"We all three don't really like shopping, but a girls day out is always nice and shopping is fun once in a while." Ziva says and then I say, "We can also have dinner somewhere and after that we can go to a movie. Oh by the way you don't have a choice to say 'no' or 'yes', because I already reserved in a restaurant and already bought our tickets for a movie."

"Doesn't matter we love to do that!" Kensi and Ziva say at the same moment and we laugh. "I already thought that, so I just reserved it already." I say and we laugh again. We really laugh a lot together, but it's nice and I love these women.

But suddenly the sun is gone and shadow is all over us. We look up and before we can even react Deeks, Tony and Castle pick us up and run with us to the water. "Don't you dare throw me in the water!" "Let me go!" Kensi, Ziva and I yell at them knowing its senseless. We look at each other and immediately know what we think and we nod and smile to each other and continue pounding on there backs.

*Ziva POV*

I swear I'll kill Tony when we are alone again. I can feel the cold water hit me and swim as far as I can under the water. I can see Kate and Kensi swimming as well and when we think we are far enough so they can't see us. We peek our heads out of the water to take a breath.

"KAAAAAAAATE! ZIVAAAAAAAA! KENSIIIIIIII!" They keep yelling. "Let's sneak up behind them." Kensi says and we start swimming underwater again. When we are behind them we quickly jump out of the water on there backs scaring the hell out of them. "What the heck!" They scream at us and suddenly hug us as tight as possible.

"Don't ever do that again! I can't lose my wife and two little sisters!" "Yes what the heck! I can't lose you Kensi we would get our fairy tale ending and I can't lose you two either Ziva and Kate!" "Just don't scare us like that again sweet cheeks, I still want my marriage to the love of my life and just don't do that I know what it is to lose a sister." Tony finishes with a soft and soothing voice. I know he means Kate and give him a hug while Kensi hugs Deeks and Kate hugs Castle.

"You could just have said you loved us and we love you too." We say and I give Castle and Deeks a hug while Kate and Kensi give the other guys a hug as well.

After a little swimming and making each other wet in the water we ended up sitting with the two on each surfing board. The guys behind us having their arms wrapped around our waist.

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