Part 19, Getting ready

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*Kensi POV*

It's 04:10 PM and we arrive at Ziva her house in the Hamptons. It was an amazing day, we went sight seeing for 2 and a half hours and then I convinced them to go shopping with me. Even though they really did own me that, you have probably no idea how it is to have three adult men acting like 5 year olds on a sugar crush. Meeting Richard Castle was definitely the most exciting thing.

The guys became like three brothers you can't ever separate anymore after only one day. And how they like to call themselves they are Ziva, Kate and my guardians. But I have the feeling we are rather their guardians. Let's put it this way we are each other guardians. I hope I get to meet Kate, because from what Rick has told us she seems an amazing woman.

I'll ask Ziva if we can meet or something, but perhaps the two of them have already planned everything for the rest of the week. I really do like to know why Ziva wanted me to go with them and asked another friend to come. I could help her as well, if only she would ask. Perhaps she has her reasons for doing it, I hope I'll get to know soon. I also bought new heals for tonight and I bought a present for everyone.

*Ziva POV*

I am almost finished with making the bed up when I hear the door opening. I walk to the hallway to hold Castle here before he leaves again. Yes I call him Castle as well, but sometimes Rick if he won't listen to me. "Hey guys, how was your day?" "I'll tell you everything tonight." Kensi whispers in my ear. "But first I'm going to take a shower." She says and walks off with Deeks right behind her. "I'm going to take a shower as well, Ziva do you have another one?" "There is one upstairs the third door on the left." "I'm going to take a shower as well sweet cheeks." Tony says and gives me a kiss and walks off.

"So you have a boyfriend Zi." "Yes I do." I smile and give him a kiss on the cheek. "How have you been, you and Kate got married I heard." "Yes we are after everything we had a wedding with only my mother and daughter and her father, she makes me the happiest man on earth." "I'm so happy for you two and it's alright, I do still have your wedding present, I'll give it to you the day after tomorrow." "That's really sweet of you Zi, but I really should go now, Kate is probably waiting for me and I want to make her dinner tonight."

"Castle wait!" I yell when he is already running down the path. He doesn't listen so I yell again. "Richard Edgar Alexander Rodgers Castle don't you dare take another step." I say with the most serious tone. Castle is like my brother in law, because I call Kate my sister, but I just call them my sister and brother because they understand me and are the closest thing I have to family. Also Tony, Kensi, Deeks and the team are like family to me.

Castle stops at my sudden voice chance and turns around and walks as a puppy back to me. "Yes Ziva?" Castle asks a bit scared of my sudden voice chance. "Kate asked me if I could hold you her till 06:00 PM and you need to wear your suit. It is in your room if you remember which one that is." "How could I ever forget?" He says smiling and walks to his room, probably also to get a shower. Their are five bathrooms in this house, so we can all take a shower at once.

I walk to our room and undress to take a shower as well. I hear the water running and quietly open and close the door. I step into the shower and put my arms around Tony's waist. "Hey babe." Tony says. "Hey little hairy butt of me." Tony turns around and puts my against the wall and starts kissing me. Let's say we had a long long shower.

**2 hours later**

*Kensi POV*

We are all ready to go. I wear a purple knee length dress with a black strap around my middle and with my new black heals. Ziva wears a long black dress with black heals as well. Deeks wears a grey suit with a blue tie and black shoes. Tony wears a dark blue suit with a dotted tie and black shoes as well.

We get into the car and drop Castle of at his house. It's a huge car and I actually quite love it. Tony and Deeks are in front after complaining about wanting to be alive and not wanting to puke. Ziva and I are in the back. I has kinda the look of a limousine it also has chairs at the sides and a table in the middle, it's like a sort mini limousine.

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