Part 5, Drive to the safe house

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*Ziva POV*

We get into the elevator and ride down to the lobby. While Tony is checking us out I stand behind him and wrap my arms around his middle en put my chin on his shoulder. When Tony is finished with checking us out, I let go of his middle and intertwine our hands. "What are you doing babe?" "What? Just being a nice girlfriend." "Yes and no. Not that I don't like I love it, but this is not what you normally do." "Okay, I just wanted to show that girl behind the desk that you are taken. But mostly because when we get in the car and are almost at the safe house I can not do all of this anymore." "I would love to just stay with you here and just let Deeks and Kensi protect themselves and each other, I'm sure they can protect each other otherwise you would not be a NCIS agent. But apparently the mol can tell it to a lot of bad guys and then we need to be there to protect them." "And where came that all of the sudden from Tony?" I say and giggle. "You change me in a good way I guess and was that a giggle Ms. David?" "I love you and yes." "I love you too Zi."

**In the meanwhile at OSP**

*Kensi POV*

"Hetty we really don't need to go to a safe house." "Yes you do Ms. Blye we don't know how many people already know and will get to know." "But Hett.." "No Mr. Deeks you two are going to a safe house wether you like it or not and because it can get really ugly two agents from D.C. are send as well." "We can perfectly take care of ourselves Hetty." I say. "I know, but I want you two to have protecting anyways." I know it's useless to go against Hetty so I just stop. "Who?" Deeks and I asks at the same time. "You will know when you get there." "Come on." Deeks tries knowing it's useless. "Now go grab your bags and go."

"My car our yours?" "My of course." I say. I know Deeks is smiling and I smile as well. "Okay, we will go to your house first and then to mine, we need to stay together so let's just do that then." "Fine with me." We drive to mine house and after 10 minutes I'm ready. I got one bag for make-up, bath stuff etc. and one with clothes. After that we drive to Deeks house and he has his bag packed after 5 minutes, because he only needs one bag with clothes and some bath stuff. "Ready?" I ask. "Yes, let's go."

The safe house is 1 hour driving so that's going to be a long ride with Deeks next to me. "Who do you think that the two agents from D.C. are?" "I don't know, maybe McGee and Gibbs." "Or Ziva and Tony have you ever met them Kens?" "No I have actually never met them, I wonder how they like." "Yeah, me too."

**With Ziva and Tony**

*Ziva POV*

It was a 1 hour drive, but I drove so we are here in 30 minutes. Tony is still throwing up his breakfast. After 5 minutes he finally comes back with 3 gums in his mouth. "That took you long enough." "I'm still not really used to your driving sweet cheeks, but how could I ever get used to that terrible driving. Who learned you driving anyway a gorilla?" "No my mom actually.." "Well if she would still be here, we would have a good chat about you and her driving skills." "I think she would have loved you." "And I'm sure I would have loved her to." Tony puts his arms around me and gives me a hug. We stay like this for about 10 minutes till we get into the house. We put our bags in a room and look through the house together. It has 2 bedrooms, both with one bed, where I would complain about if it still was 2 days ago, a bathroom, a small kitchen and a small living room with a couch that goes into a corner, just like 2 couches but then together, and with a tv.

I hear a car pull up and give Tony a last peck on the lips and we both smile. Then we grab our guns and hide in the kitchen. Because we have no idea how they look like and it could be the bad guys. We listen to them and the woman is complaining about the man who was talking the whole way to the safe house. I laugh a little, because this reminds me of me and Tony and I can directly hear there is chemistry between them. We hear the door open and I count to three.

"NCIS!" Tony and I both yell. "Whoa, relax. I'm detective Marty Deeks and this is NCIS agent Kensi Blye." "Badges!" They throw there badges to us and I can directly see they are real. I turn my head to Tony who is already looking at me and nod. We put our guns back and introduce ourselves. "Ziva David." I say putting my hand out. "Tony DiNozzo." Tony says doing the same.

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