Chapter twenty-seven

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(Amelia's POV:)

It was about eight the morning, and I was in the stables, giving Brownie some food and water. You know, got to get 'em ready for the long journey ahead of us.

"Lady Amelia?" Hilda asked, standing near the gate.

"Yes?" I walk over to the gate. "Did you need something Hilda?" I asked.

"No, just wanted to tell you that your mom wants to see you. She already spoke with your brother at about six. You might want to head there before visiting hours are over." She said.

I nod, and run back inside, and sprint quickly to MedBay. I want to at least see my mom before we leave! I would've liked to see dad too, however considering he is still not in a good state. Right now, he can't be stabilized with magic like lord Abigail can, so that means no family under 18 can visit him. Hopefully when we get back he can be stable enough to mainly rely on magic, so Aaron and I can pay our dad a visit.

Back to what I was doing, I ran up to the receptionist's desk. "I'm here to visit my mom. Please tell me I made it on time!" I say out of breath.

"Yes sweetie, you made it on time. Lady Azura is already visiting someone else, however they should be done in a few minutes." They said.

I take a seat, waiting for whoever was visiting her to eventually leave. After a few minutes, I saw two people walk out of the two double doors. The two of them looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

They looked to both be a man and woman. Both seemed to be in their mid to late twenties. Maybe siblings? Both had had light brown hair, and wore armor. The woman wore basic Glacierford cavalry armor, while the man wore shields men armor.

"Ah, you two are done visiting her?" I overheard the receptionist say to them.

"Yes." The woman said. "It was nice to check up on her, both my brother and I missed her very much."

"Good. Lady Amelia? You may go visit her now! They just got out." The receptionist said to me.

I nod and head down the hallway. But I couldn't stop thinking about the two siblings. Who where they? Were they the ones visiting my mom? If so, how do they know her?

Anyways, I made it to her room, and knocked on the door. "Mom? It's me, Amelia!" I say.

She opens the door and smiled at me. "Hey sweetheart, come on in." She said, letting me in.

Mom was wearing a bluish-gray, long sleeved top, and the same colored knee-high shorts. Her room was pretty empty, as to be expected, which only contained a few books, and a few scattered photograph of family and friends. Of course, all items had to be checked before being brought here.

She sat down on her cot, and I sat down next to her.

"H-How are you doing?" I ask her in a conserved tone. She looked down at the ground and paused.

"Well, I'd be lying if I said everything was great. But, everything isn't going horribly wrong either. So, I'm not so sure." She responded.

"Well, I heard you got a few visitors." I say, to which she smiled.

"Yeah. It was good seeing Aaron, and the two of them again." She said. "But enough about me, how have you been doing dear! Aaron did tell me that something happened between you and a certain crush." She giggled cheekily.

"M-Mom!" I yell flustered, she laughed a bit more.

"What! I'm curious!"

I laugh a bit, "W-Well... something did happen."

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