Chapter seventeen

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(Elie's POV:)

We were sitting on the couch waiting for my mom to come back. We saw Aaron and Deimitri come home, they both looked a bit tired, so we let them go upstairs to sleep. Though, after what felt like forever, my mom finally walked in.

"Hey momma." I said smiling at her. "Who was that?" I ask.

My mom's gentle smile faded. "May you two sit down. Amelia, may you give us a moment?"

"Of course." She said getting some food before heading upstairs. Both my brother and I sat down on the couch while mom sat across from us.

"Mom? Did we do something wrong? Are we in trouble?" Storm asked and she shook her head.

"You aren't by any means.... I need to get this off my chest..." she said.

Storm and I look at each other confused before looking back at our mom, her crystal blue eyes filling with tears.

"That woman from that alleyway... she is your grandmother..." she said.

"Grandma Ceris? That didn't look like her, nor did it-"

"No... that wasn't Ceris." She took a deep breath. "I was adopted by her when I was about seven years old... she is who I see as my mother... however... that woman back there... she is my biological mother." My mom said breaking down.

Both Storm and I stayed quite.

"She hurt me emotionally and mentally. She used me for her own befit. It was torture living with her. And the day she left, the day Ceris saved me from there... it was one of the best days of my life."

"How?" Storm asked, "Your mother sounds absolutely horrible, but doesn't seem like the situation to get better like that."

"Well, of course it didn't. But... that is the day my life started changing for the better. Grandma Ceris retaught me magic, by my own wanting, and let me join the army, where I met my friends, and met and fell in love with your dad."

"So... your bio mom... wouldn't let you do any of that?" I asked.

"No... especially marry your father... she has some strange thing towards mages and would never approve of it."

This whole story is horrible! Why would anyone put someone through this, and not just someone, their own child through something like this. We got up and walked over to her, sat down next to our crying mother, and gave her a hug.

"This is terrible mom... I'm so sorry this happened to you." Storm said taking the words from my brain.

She shook her head. "Please... don't be sorry. Not only has my life and everyone in our dimension's lives been affected by this, but our family has been as well..." she said.

"What? How has this affected our family." We both said. She hung her head.

"Your first spells... your father and I were so scared that Clover... my mother would come back that as soon as you got your magic abilities, we pretty much made you learn magic that we picked for you, and for that, I'm sorry, and I know your dad is too. But I want you too to understand that we were trying to protect you." She said.

"I know I asked this a million times before... but why did I have to learn food spells while Elie learned healing?"

My mom sighed. "My mother starved me as a child. She only let me eat if I preformed a level 70 spell after a day of working on it. I was only seven."

Our eyes widen. Being taught a level 70 spell as a child has been done, however it is one of the worst ways a child could learn magic. Magic isn't something someone could just be good at overnight, it takes years upon years to learn magic, especially magic with such a high level.

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