Chapter one

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//A few days later at 8:59 am//
(Amelia's POV:)

I was in my dad's office doing some paperwork wondering how he does this busy job everyday, when I herd a knock at the door.

"Enter." I say.

A few seconds later, Deimitri walks in and I smile.
"Hey, you busy?" He asks me.

I roll my eyes "Do you not see the paperwork on my desk?" I ask him.

He paused,
" are?"

"What do you thing Sherlock?" He laughs.

"Herd anything from your mom or dad yet?"

"...No...I haven't. H-Have you herd anything from your dad?" I ask, he shook his head.

"It's kinda unlikely them too. You think they would have checked in on us or something?"

"Yeah... to be honest... I'm worried about all of them, what if something bad happened?" I asked.

"I worry about that too, but all our parents are tough, they'll-"
He paused and pointed to the window. Confused, I get out of my chair to see hundreds of people outside.

"Uh, one second." I say before heading to the ground.

When I got down there, I recognized these people from Glacierford...
Okay, what's going on? I ask myself walking up to the head guard.

"Sir Gavin?" I ask

"Ah, Lady Amelia. May I ask where your father, Patrick is?" He asked.

I give him a confused look.
"Um, both my parents along with the Enderwatchers, Daryll the bandit, and your lords left to Glacierford?"

" long ago?" He asked.

"Um, about four days ago." I said. Gavin froze.

"Amelia...they never arrived. The reason we came here was because we where attacked and our village leaders where gone."

I froze. They should have been there by now. They couldn't have gotten lost because they not only did they know that trail forwards, backwards, and inside out, but they had their two lords who had also been on the same trail for years. I couldn't say anything, I was in shock.

"Every one of your villagers are welcome here." Hilda said snapping me from my trance,

"We will find the reason why they never came while you and your guards find housing for the villagers."

"Thank you Lady Hilda, Lady Amelia. Glacierford is in your debt." He said.

"No need, this is what allies do." I say trying to keep calm. "Now go help your people."

He nods and walks off.

I look back at Hilda and she signals to go back inside. Tears filled my eyes as I nod. We walk back to my dad's office, she walked in front of me knowing that I didn't want anyone to see me cry.
We finally got there and she closed and locked the door while I walked to the chair and cried my eyes out. My hands wouldn't stop shaking and I couldn't stop crying. Hilda walked over to me, took her glove off, and touched my face gently and wipes the tears off my face before giving me a big hug.

We where hugging for a while before she spoke,

"Amelia, you don't have to speak. Just nod or shake your head...okay sweetie?"

I nod.

"I'll be rounding up a search party to search for everyone. Do you want to go with them?"

I nod again.

"Do you want to stay here while I go get your friends, brother, and Lyra?"

I shook my head.

"Do you want to tell them or should I? Nod for you, shake for me."

I shook my head.

"Okay. I want to quickly go get my helmet and then we can go...okay?"

I nod one last time.
(Time skip to Lyra's house)

Hilda knocked on the door.
I had stopped crying on the way there, but it was still pretty obvious that I had been.

Lyra answered the door,
"Hey Ame, you're back something wrong?"

I nod and Hilda says, "Ma'am... something the group traveling to Glacierford, do you mind letting me in to explain?"

Lyra's face turned from her normal face to a bit shocked and scared.

"O-Okay...come on in..."

We both walk in and I sit down at my spot at the table. Lyra notices that I'm not my normal self quickly.
"Do you need anything Lady Hilda?" She asked.

"I need for your son, Elie, Storm, and Aaron to come here, they need to know about this."

"Only Elie and Storm are here, Deimitri and Aaron are out training."

"Sigh, well, this is urgent so we'll just have to tell them later."

(After explaining.)

The room was silent.
I look around to see how everyone reacted, they weren't far off from mine. Crying, blank faces filled of disbelief, all that. Storm's ender eye appeared which was no surprise.

"W-What's going to happen?" Elie asked

"You guys could either stay here and help the villagers of Glacierford find housing..." Hilda started.

"Or, you could accompany myself and a search party that will find our families... It's your choice to go or stay." I said.

There was a pause.

"Well... as much as I want to help you find everyone... I want to stay and help the villagers. You'll have so many people going, but not many helping our allies when they also are in need." Elie said. "I'm sorry."

"You have no need to be sorry Elie. You have good reasons to stay here." Lyra started, "I'll stay here and help too."

"Heh..." Storm chuckled a bit before looking at me "Well, I can't have you going alone now. I'll come with you." He smiled which made me blush a bit.

"Then it's settled, Storm, Amelia, meet at the stables. Lyra, Elie, you get to helping people, and if you find either Aaron or Deimitri, brief them in and have them help you two."

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