Chapter nineteen

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(Hogsworth's POV:)

The pigmen had to leave the Nether.

Ever since the Nether King's fall, everyone considered the dimension to be weak, can't fight of a few humans.

Turns out humans are stronger then we have them credit for. Now, we became a laughing stock throughout all the dimensions. No one wants to any training with us! Everything like food got supper expensive, considering we don't have water to grow food ourselves. Nor did we have enough materials to grow or repair our weaponry.

So, the unity of the Nether absolutely fell apart and another civl war started. The Pigmen and Piglins fought for food, clean water, and resources against the Withers and Skeletons, the Magmas, and the Blazes and Ghasts. The fact that the Red Legion was also raiding us for Netherite every five minutes didn't help either.

We tried to make farms outside of the Nether so my men could eat. But they were either robbed by other clans of Nether mobs, or we were destroyed by the humans.

So, we were left with no choice. We had to run. We picked up whatever we had and left. All the men, women, the them's, and children of piglin or pigman heritage escaped the blazing dimension to the overworld. We set up out camps in a snowy spruce woods.

However, there were a few problems. Pigmen were supposed to live and spend the most time in the Nether. But we had to change environments so quickly, we didn't have the time to adjust to the cold over world. So, a good portion of people died of frostbite the first few months. That isn't talking about the people dying of sickness or of hunger.

We didn't know how to farm here, or what we could farm, so food was quite hard to get, unless we were hunting. I refused to let us go back to raiding villages or robbing innocent people, so we had to do it all ourselves.

If we found any food, our meals consistent of mainly sweet berries which we had found, and on rare occasions some meat we found. However, sweet berries did not fill up us, and we didn't have enough to feed everyone.

So, with everything going wrong, we made the decision to try and get help from a village. The choice was easy, but the hardest things to do would be trying to convince a village to help what was formally the enemy. Several villages rejected even letting me through their gates to talk, which I could understand.

We were loosing hope, but, we had one last village we could at least try... the Frostbourne. It seemed like a long shot, but I had hope.

Ser Patrick listened to the bandits when they needed help, he found a way to reform them and help them when they needed it. Heck, his friend Daryll lead them and was a bandit himself. But he still was given a second chance. I hoped he will at least listen to me.

However, when I herd that young blue haired woman say that her father, Ser Patrick was out of commission and that she would address the problem, I got scared.

She looked too young to have fought in the last war, all she would have heard was stories on how bad people we were. I'm not trying to judge her, but I couldn't help but be terrified. I felt relieved when she said they would at least talk to us.

I got up and got my busted netherire armor on, minus the helm and when I was about to leave my tent, I heard a small tired voice say,

"Uncle Hoggie? Where are you going?"

I turn to see little Annabelle sitting up, rubbing her tired brown eyes.

Oh, how could I forget to mention them. I am an uncle to a lovely niece, Annabelle. My brother and his wife, Layla, had a beautiful baby girl making me a uncle. However, shortly after we left the Nether, my brother got very sick and shortly afterwards passed away. After, I felt the need to help them out in any way I can. So, Layla and Annabelle moved in with me to help out.

I walk over to my niece and put my hand on her soft, pink face.

"You don't have to worry about me Annie. Please go back to sleep with your mommy okay?"

She nods and lied down. But before I leave, she said, "Uncle Hoggie?"

"Yes Annie?"

"I'm hungies." She said. I sigh looking to the ground.

"I know dear... I'm sorry, but we'll get some food soon, I promise." I said

She smiled and lied back down, falling back to sleep. I walked out of the tent and left to the gates of the village. I left my broken diamond sword in the tent, didn't think it was a good idea to bring it.

When I got to the gates, I saw one familiar people standing there.

"Hello Hogsworth." I think that was Lady Hilda, the shields woman spoke.

"Hello, Hilda? Am I correct?" I asked and she nodded.

A man walked up to me. "I don't believe we have met, I am Sir Gavin of New Glacierford."

"We will both be showing you to the meeting." Hilda said. I nod and we start walking.

We were walking in silence. It was rather quiet, considering it was still rather early in the morning. We walked to the building and they directed me to the meeting room.

When we walked in, I saw a large group of people sitting at the table. Some I recognized like Rain the Dragon King, Stella the End queen, Ceris the former end queen, Lady Azura the military advisor, Herobrione the former Nether general, Kralos a former wither knight and Sir Daryll the bandit. The rest was people I was not familiar with.

I sat down at the end of the table, my black eyes meeting the young, blue haired woman's. However, she looked calm and relaxed.

"What is your business for being here?" She asked in a neutral manner.

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