Chapter twenty-eight

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//a few hours later//

We were approaching the main gate of their base. Entity stood up on a balcony above the entrance, along with Ferlak and the Spider queen.

I looked over to see everyone resisting to strike him down right then and there. To be honest, I feel like we all were resisting just flat out killing them at that moment. Everything they did to us... to our friends... to our families. Him and his buddies are darn lucky we're trying not to start a war.

One of the spider guards directed us to the stables to put our horses in. When I looked closely, the spider seemed to have a netherite like covering on their body. Kind of like armor. But how?

Regardless, we followed a spider to what I assumed to be the war room. Then, someone stopped us from going in.

"Remember. No guards or weapons are prohibited in the meeting. Your guards may wait out here, while you can put your weapons on a shelf." A guard said.

I sighed and nodded my head in obedience. We all stripped ourselves of our weapons. I placed my sword on a rack, while the others put theirs in their accorded locations.

A spider did gave Ceris a really weird look on her new weapon of choice, which are two hand-held, mandible claws. I mean, then again, the blade is based on an ant's jaw, so I'd feel a bit weird myself if I were a spider.

Anyways, we went in side the room, leaving our armed guards outside. Sitting at the table are four people. The corruptor, the mutant vex knight, the spider queen, and some sort of witch. It was that same witch Stella told me about... that it was her bio mother. The one who treated her like a prisoner for most of her childhood.

Ceris turned to Stella, "Stella honey?"

"Y-Yes mom?" She asked a bit scared about her face.

"Hold my earnings." She said and was about to smack the living Nether out of the woman, but Stella and I held her back.

"Ceris! Mom, stop it!" She said and the woman laughed hysterically at this.

"Ah, little miss Ceris. You know I'm not breaking any rules here. I'm on my own territory this time!" She said.

"Technically it's my territory." Entity stated, and Clover rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. The point it, you hit me, that will certainly come back to bite you in the butt!" She laughed cockily.

Ceris growled, but stayed quiet.

"Now, let's start. But first, anyone care for some water? Tea?" He asked making tea and water appear in front of us.

"You really think we're that stupid." Daryll hissed, his voice dripping with anger and spite.

"Ahem. I believe what he means, is that I don't think we can accept anything edible from you, based on how we started." I say, trying to keep my cool, which proved to be a challenge.

"Ah, of course. You humans so much judgment and quickly mistrusting the simple, kind folk like we." He said.

"Pardon me for saying this, but you attacked our forces. We hadn't anything to do with you in almost two decades. So why is our trust the one that's misunderstood?" Aaron asked, trying to stay polite.

The vex knight hits 303 on the arm, laughing. "Well at least our men don't jump in front of fireballs" he laughed hysterically, specifically looking at Daryll and Deimitri.

Everyone on our side eyes widen in shock, as we knew who and what he was referring to. Daryll slammed his hand down on the table and looked the guy, dead in the eye.

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