Chapter nine

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(Amelia's POV:)

Both my brother and I where running to the hospital room my dad was in. He's alive! I couldn't believe it. We both got so worried about both him and my mom.

After no time, we make it to the room and there was a doctor standing outside of it.

"Amelia, Aaron?" The doctor asked.

"That's us. Is our dad okay." I said.

"....Well, he's alive, I wouldn't say he is doing okay." The doctor said.

"W-What do you mean by that?" Aaron asked.

The doctor pauses.

"You might want to see for yourself..."

We walk in to see our dad lying unconscious in a hospital bed. It was a horrific sight.
He had burns all over his face and body, he had slash wounds on his chest, horrible bruises, what looked on the outside to be broken bones, his dark purple hair was dry with blood, and even though he is unconscious, his hands where shaking and he looked... terrified.

In all my life, I have never seen my father scared. He always acted so brave and fearless in front of me and my brother. It looked as if he feared nothing, and that's why I always looked up to him.

But.... seeing him so scared, it didn't seem right. What happened?

"What happened?" My little brother said, taking the words out of my mouth.

"We do not know, but whatever happened, his body seems to be on high alert."

"W...What does that mean?" I ask.

"Something must have happened, and we found out earlier, if there is any loud, sudden sound.... anything at all, could trigger him."

We look at each other then back at the doctor confused.

"When we were trying to... you know, save his life, a doctor accidentally dropped a pair of surgical scissors on the floor, then the next thing we know he was shaking uncontrollably and was saying random numbers."

"So a part of his brain is still awake... even when he is trying to heal?" My brother asked.

"Yes. If he was fully in a coma, he wouldn't have reacted to it the way he did."

"Wait." I start, "What do you mean by random numbers?"
//an hour latter//

We had called all of the council and leaders of allied villages to an emergency meeting. Both of us needed to have them aware of what is going on.

"Thank you for joining us today." I start, "As you all might have heard, we had in fact found the original holder of my position-"

"Yes, may we ask how he is doing?" Karlos asked.

"Or did they find Azura?" Ciara asked.

"Or find out who is behind this?" Kane then asked.

"Did any of the other people who went on that trip regain consciousness?" Daryll asked.

"Did you find out what hap-" Gavin started before Ceris interrupted by slammed her fist down on the table having all eyes turn to her.

"May we please let her finish before asking our question about if the two missing leaders are okay."

They all nod and apologize to me for interrupting. I continue,

"Anyway, we're going to try to say this without going into much detail. Aaron?"

"Thank you Amelia." He said before clearing his thought.

"The doctor describes my father to have started saying three different numbers in his sleep after being triggered into some sort of traumatic state."

Aaron then proceeded to pull out a sheet of lined notebook paper from his pocket.

"28, 67, -8... when we both looked at them, I tried to see how they would relate to one another. I tried many things before figuring out that they aren't just normal numbers.

They are coordinates."

"Where do they lead to?" Lyra asked.

"We do not know yet, but we have people right now trying to figure out."

"Who exactly." The captain said.

"About a quarter of the people in the lab."

There was a silence.

"Is that all you called us hear for? Or is there something else you two want to say?" Hilda asked.

"Actually.... yes, I wanted to request something." I say.

"Okay then, go ahead." Hero said.

"This is a last resort, but, there is possibility that we all might have to go to war. Are you all aware?"

"Yes. I am sure we all are." Kane said.

"Well, if that is the case, I need all of our armies on stand by. If they try to attack, we can defend ourselves in a moments notice."

"I understand where you are coming from m'lady, and I agree." Sir Gavin said.

"Same here. All of those monsters could attack any day. We have to be ready." Daryll said.

I turn to the others
"Do you all think the same?"

I watched them all whisper to each other before nodding.

"Yes m'lady. I think we can all agree." Hilda said.

"Then it's settled. Send word to your guards." I say.

"However have a few stay behind to watch over the place, don't want any bandits to come."

"Of course." Hero said.

"Okay, this meeting is adjourned." I said.
//10:00 pm//
(Lyra's POV:)

It was late at night and I was cuddling with my husband. He had already fallen asleep a while ago, however I was still wide awake. My mind had me up, I couldn't stop thinking about what Amelia had said. I mean, I knew war was a possibility, but I still didn't like the idea of fighting.

My boy is fighting in this, he was giving a choice to and he agreed, but... I fear that... I'll louse him, or Daryll, or anyone.

These thoughts made me start crying. After a minute or two, I feel a familiar pair of arms tighten their grip around me. I look to see my husband awake and hugging me tightly.

"What's wrong? Nightmare?" He asked, I shook my head.

"I haven't slept..." I sigh sitting up, "Daryll?"

"Yes?" He said sitting up next to me.

"I'm scared... yes we've been though war together, but this time... Deimitri. Daryll, I don't want to louse our baby." I cry into his shoulder.

"Shhh... we won't Ly. He is almost an adult now, he can handle himself, and it's not like we won't be there."

"Your right." I say drying my tears.

"We'll be there with him. No matter what happens." He said

I kissed him quickly before lying back down. I was facing away from him while he traced the scar on my back with his finger before lying down and going back to sleep.

"No matter what." I mumbled falling asleep.

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