Chapter fifteen

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Aaron drew his weapons and blocked my mother's blades. She didn't hesitate to throw him into a wall, knocking him unconscious. Even though 

Daryll, Hero, and I hesitantly charged with their pickaxe and or axes while Storm was trying to fire petrifaction spells at her and try not to hit us.

However she was able to quickly overwhelmed all of us. Storm's spell was deflected by my mom's wings, and backfired on himself and he was petrified. Hero and Daryll were pinned to the wall by magic, and I was on the ground trying not to get cut in half by my mom's quick and violent katana swings.

"Mom! Stop this! You don't want to hurt us! I know you don't!" I yell.

She hesitated for just a moment, I could see fear in her eyes, just for a split second. It was quick, but it was there.

Mom! You're is still in there! I thought.

"Please, remember!" I said trying to jog her memory. "Anything at all momma! Your friends? The Frostbourne? Aaron? Dad? Me?"

She still didn't respond, with words at least. My mom kicked my shoulder, hard, which knocked me to the ground.

That's going to leave a bruise. I thought.

Now it was a whole lot harder to dodge her swings. She cut me a few times on my face and arms, but didn't get a chance to stab me.

"Momma! Please... remember us..." I beg lousing hope.

However she didn't stop and started swinging her katanas again and again. Faster and faster. Now she used one of her blades, and stabbed it into my armored sleeve to hold me down and raised her other katana and tried to to bring it down on me. I had a hold on her arm so she couldn't... you know... kill me.


Suddenly, she stopped. Her grip on the katana weakened and I took it and put it aside, right after that she collapsed on top of me. I sat up while the magic on Hero and Daryll disappeared and they fell to the ground, quickly getting up.

I check her pulse to make sure she is alive.

"Is she okay? Is she alive?" Daryll asked before picking up Aaron and throwing him over his shoulder, while Herobrione was helping Storm get unpetrified.

I nod. "Thankfully, yes, she is, only knocked out."

"How?" Storm asked finally getting unpetrified.

Almost instantly after he said that, I moved my mother's bright blue hair to see a dart in her neck. I hold up the dart and everyone looked at it confused before turning to where it could have most likely came from.

We look to see a woman standing there with a dart gun. The woman had her hood up, so we couldn't see her face well. She started approaching me and my unconscious mother. In self defence, I take one of my mom's two katanas and quickly get into a battle stance. Almost instantly, she quickly put down her weapon and her hands went to her head to signal she wasn't going to harm us.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am a medic. I work for the Red Legion." She said fearfully.

"What did you do to my mother?" The woman mumbled something. "ANSWER ME!" I yell.

"I-It was a s-simple spell... i-it should give her her humanity ba-back... also help with her n-nether-kin a-appearance. The spell s-shouldn't harm her at all!" She explained hastilly.


The woman dropped to her knees and cried;

"P-Please, it wasn't my ch-choice to work for him!...I was a slave for the Nether, and when the Nether lost, H-Hogwarts gave us to 303! I-It wasn't our choice to! Please believe me!"

I sigh and get out of my battle stance and walk over to her.

"For now, you're forgiven. We have injured people here and we need to get them back to Frostbourne."

"W-We?" Daryll asked.

"Yes, we, she is coming with us." I said.

She looked surprised, she started crying. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

"Don't thank me yet. I still need to test that potion that you injected my mother with. Do you have any more of it?" I ask.

She nods and picks up her dart gun and takes out a dart. After that takes out the potion and hands it to me. While I inspected it, Hero, Storm and Daryll walk up to us. I see the woman's eyes widen.

"H-Hero?" She asked. "Is that... you?"

"Yes? Do I know you?" He asked confused.

"You don't- oh... right, my hood." She said before taking off her hood. His eyes widen.

"L-Lily... you're... YOU'RE ALIVE!" He shouted happily. 

"Yes, I'm alive," She elbowed him lightly in the arm. "Big brother." 

"Hey, I hate to break up the happy family reunition you got going here and what not, but we got some injured people who need to get home." Daryll said. 

"Right. Hero, can you pick up my mom, while...Lily? You can-" 

I couldn't finish when we heard a door open and a gasp. We all turn to see an abnormally sized vex standing there. He looked at us before closing the door. Before Lily could say anything, an alarm sounded. 

"Notch darn it Ferlak. Now everyone knows you're here." 

Our eyes widen. "Run!" I say and we all quickly get out of there. 

We run quickly not turning back until we got back to everyone else. Kralos was climbing back up to the trap door while Deimetri was already up there and Ceris was looking out, when she noticed us, she ran over. 

"You're back safe! We were scared you wouldn't make it-" Her eyes widen, "Azura! Aaron!" 

"We have no time to heal them here. We have to go! They know we're here!" 

In no time, people were trying to break down the door while we were getting everyone up the trap door. Herobrione and Ceris stayed behind to hold the door down. The injured were first, then it was Storm, Lily, then Daryll, and lastly myself.

"CLOSE THE DOOR!" Hero shouted.

"What! We're not going to leave you two here!" Lily shouted. 


We did as they said and closed the door and ran through the dark cave. We were about halfway when mobs started to chase us. We eventually saw the sunlight which lead outside to the ravien. Standing there was Hero and Ceris. We didn't question how they got there-- considering they can both teleport-- and ran over to them. Hero quickly teleported all of us up to our horses. 

We broke down the stable door and rushed to get on our horses. I got on brownie while others were getting on their's. Hero shared a horse with his sister, Ceris took Storm's horse and shared with my mom and Aaron, Daryll and Deimirti shared. Mobs quickly came up from the ravien and we all started moving. I look back froze seeing Storm not on a horse and trying to run to ketch up. 

I turn back and run to get him before all the mobs could. I reach for his hand, take in and pull him on the horse. 

"Thanks...for... coming back." He said gasping for air in between words. 

"It's okay, just hold on, okay?" 

"I will." 

Eventually after long hours we outran them and made it to the Frostbourne gates. However when we approched the village walls... we saw someone the overworld thought we'd never  again...

To be continued...

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