Chapter four

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"Ame? Why are your eyes raining?"

I look up to see little Olivia standing in front of me holding her stuffed bear.

Olivia, she is the adoptive daughter of Abigail and Ceris. Olivia is three years old and the sweetest and most precious child there is. She is technically Stella's sister which would make El and Storm are her niece and nephew. But she calls Stella her auntie and address her nephew and niece as her cousins. She has dark brown hair and dark skin. And of corse, even though they are often busy, they always have time for her.

"O-Oh...uh...It's nothing. What are you doing here?" I ask. She smiled.

"I asked Elwe if I could go see my mommies, but she said they where asweep so she brought me here!"

"Well, I'm glad your okay."

"How are my mommies? Are they okie?" She asked.

I didn't have the heart nor knew how to tell a three year old that one of their moms was in a coma and the other was injured.

"Their okay, just asleep right now." She looked at me confused but then yawned. Little Olivia looked tired.

"Hey? You okay? You look pretty tired."

"Mmhm, right about now my mommies would make me take nap." She said rubbing her eyes.

I pick her up and but her down on the bed that we all shared.
"Then it's time for you to take a nap. They may not be here but their rules still apply"

"Hmph. Okie, but can you read me story?"

"Heh, okay."

After the story was finished, I walked downstairs to see Lyra, she was cooking, but... something with her wasn't the same before. She wasn't humming and her movements weren't as joyful like normal, they where just slow and sorrowful.


She turned around and looked at me. "Y-Yes dear? Is something wrong?"

"Well...kinda, do you know where Aaron is?"

"He's out training with my son. I didn't want them to go, but they said it would take their mind off of things..."

"What's wrong dear? You sound like something is wrong?"

"I...yes, I'm nervous about them. I miss my momma and dad."

"Of course you are. Feeling anxious about the safety of people you care about is a normal feeling."

Silence filled the room,

"I had a question...?" I said.

"Oh okay, shoot. What is it Ame?" Lyra asked.

I paused, "When I was about to go back to work... you where really kind of strict about us getting rest, why?"

She sighed.
"Many years ago... I was at my own house looking through letters when one of them had... a weird feeling to it. When I opened it, I found out that my parents had died a few months ago..."

Lyra stopped and blotted her tears away from her eyes.

"I...I felt so alone... all I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and cry for months. But... I couldn't... we where still at war with the Nether and I couldn't let people down."

She walked up to me,
"I was 27 at the time... I can't imagine what I would do if I was your age."

I hung my head and started to cry, she walked over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

"I don't know what to do... I don't know." I cried.

She started stroking my hair in a comforting and motherly way. "Don't worry dear. I'm sure you will find out. Don't you worry sweetie."

(Storm's POV:)

I was taking Amelia out on a walk outside the village walls. I'm not sure what to say, she had just lost connection to both her mom and dad on the same day.

"Hey, I'm sorry." She said finally breaking the silence, "About your parents... I'm sorry."

"It's nothing, I'm just glad to know they're okay."

She fell silent.

"Uh... do you know who will fill both of your parents spots while they are absent?" I ask and Ame shook her head.

"No... the council will discuss it tomorrow. Until then, all work is put off to the side for now, we have to focus on getting the Glacierford people home-...."

"Wha-" I was saying before she covered my mouth with her hand.

"Shhh! What is that?" She asked.

We looked around for a little bit, only to find a sight we didn't expect. Aaron was being held like a baby by Deimitri, the two of them where kissing.

"Aaron! Deimitri! What in the Nether art you two doing?" Amelia said confused.

"A-Ame....S-Storm.... uh babe, can you put me down?" Aaron asked and Deimitri put him down carefully.

Both of them where blushing and looked very embarrassed.

"W-well.... Ame, I..." Aaron started before taking a deep breath. "I like guys."

"Same here." Deimitri said.

"Okay, I see that, but aren't you two are supposed to be training?" We asked.

"Well..." Aaron said looking at his boyfriend.

"Our parents don't...exactly...know yet."

"You two are the only people who know about us dating... so... are you okay with it?"

"What do you mean by that?" I asked.

"...are you going to accept us?" Aaron asked.

"Well, of course! We're friends. What makes you think we wouldn't?" Ame asked.

"I...I don't know. We just got worried, since what happened... both of us didn't want to louse you guys too." Deimitri said.

"Okay, we'll leave you two be."


We turn back around, "Huh? What?" I asked.

"D-Don't tell anyone... not yet, not until we are ready to tell people. O-Okay?"

"Alright, we weren't going to?" I said.

"Oh...well then you two can go now. See you at home."

We said nothing, just waved and walked back to the house.

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