before we get started

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A/N: okay so before we begin i just need to clarify a few things because i don't really want to make too many authors notes on the way, i'll just drop them all here:

- hayward is still director of sword, don't ask how, i just need a stupid white man the girls can beat up together and i really hate him

- my writing skills are limited so i won't be able to do any justice to the multiverse storyline. i know at the end of the ep it kinda revealed that tommy and billy are somewhere in the multiverse, but i won't be going over that in this book

- this will be written in third person with y/n, i'll try my best to keep y/n's description as vague as possible so you can feel included, but i'm so sorry if something doesn't match, i've never done a y/n fic before

- your comments are what will motivate me, feel free to comment anything along the way. i'd love to read them because they're funny, support is appreciated and i'll accept any criticism if you have any <3

- i do have the plot planned out, but it has got some gaps that i'll just have to fill along the way, so if at some point it gets confusing or weird... ignore it

- wanda has her sokovian accent in this, so bare that in kind when mentally reading her lines

- i've done some research, and i believe that the cabin wanda is in at the end of the episode is from transia (another fictional country, like sokovia and wakanda) it's in europe between romania and serbia. she lives in the mountains by mount wundagore which overlooks the city's capital, east tunisia. there's a chamber among the caverns on the mountains called the darque hold, and that's where chthon wrote the darkhold. it's okay if you don't understand any of that, neither do i, and it's not that important. i'm just trying to set the scene for you so you know what's around the area. history lesson over

- i'm going through a lot right now and using this as an outlet and schools JUST about to start so please don't get mad if i can't update as much as you want, i will try my hardest.

- also, i know y/n seems like a stubborn fucking bitch at first but we need room for character development, alright? she can't be perfect that's so boring, just put some faith in the girl 😩

- I'm tuning auto caps on now so the grammar will be perfect just for you 😩

enjoy pls

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