Unexpected findings

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While wanda twirled her way around the kitchen, making the breakfast with an excited smile spread across her face, y/n remained curled over in bed.

She'd spent a while staring into the covers with a smile on her face as she thought about the life she could now have with Wanda, knowing their love was official. However, after a while, she decided she was going to get out of bed and join wanda in the kitchen, or at least accompany her by sitting on the couch and talking with her.

Last night, y/n fell asleep in her underwear and a large shirt that wanda had given her, so she found the combat trousers that were tossed on the floor and picked them up while taking her legs out from underneath the cover.

As she slid the combat trousers back on over her legs, her attention wandered around the room in search of something to cover up her cold feet.

"Hey, wanda, have you got some socks i can wear?" She called out from the room, hoping wanda would be able to hear her.

Thankfully, wanda heard, and told her, "Yeah, in the top drawer."

As she stood up from the bed, she loosely tucked the ends of the shirt into the combat trousers and zipped them up. From there, she made her way over to the drawer that she assumed wanda was talking about and pulled open the top one.

When she saw what was rested in the top drawer, a smile overcame her that she couldn't hide even if she wanted to. But, of course, she didn't want to. Not anymore.

Bundled up in the side of the drawer was each of the rocks y/n had given her. The first one from the time she ran out in the rain to grab it as a symbol of rent. The second rock from when she was walking through the woods with wanda as they were fruit picking. And then, the last rock that was given to wanda as the 'prize' she gave to her once she won a bet.

They were all resting there, secure and protected in the corner of the drawer. Wanda had kept each of the little mementos she'd been given over their time together, and seeing them made y/n smile to herself.

However, she was still in search of the socks, so she closed that drawer and opened the one beside it. The second the next drawer opened, her eyes landed upon the only item within it, which caused her to freeze in place.

It was something she'd seen before, but something she never thought she'd see again. Her breath hitched and a lump formed in her throat as she picked up the item from the drawer and gasped quietly when she realised it was really there, and she was really looking at it again.

"What the... fuck." Her jaw dropped as she traced her fingers along the front of the item, before she held it tightly in her hand and stormed through to the kitchen.

Wanda continued to twirl her way around the kitchen with the new excited feeling as she prepared the breakfast she had seemingly always wanted to make for y/n. She was happy, excited, and, most of all, oblivious to what was about to happen to the two of them.

"Wanda, what the hell is this?" Y/n asked as she stepped into the end of the hallway, clasping the item in her hand.

Once wanda looked up from the stove and saw the item, she froze completely and dropped what she was holding. She left her spot in the kitchen and cautiously walked round to stand in front of y/n while still giving her as much space as she needed.

"Y/n..." Wanda carefully told her while holding her hands out, "put that down."

"Why the hell do you have this?" She asked, her mind flicking through the memories of her history with it, which only brought back the pain and fear.

"You don't know what that is-." Wanda tried to tell her.

"I know exactly what this is. I've dealt with this before, wanda. The dark hold. The book of the damned." She admitted, "this corrupts you, wanda, don't tell me you've been reading this."

"I would never let it corrupt me, you know that." She assured her.

"You don't get a choice." Y/n argued, "this book will destroy you- it will take every last bit of humanity from you- don't you see that?" She told her as she turned the book round to its front.

"Y/n, seriously, put it down." She warned her.

"People have died trying to read this, why have you even got this in your house?" She asked, her tone becoming more spiteful as she went on.

The memories she'd experienced with the dark hold in her past all came flooding back in the heat of the moment. Along with the memories, came the fear, anger, and pain that she felt in the past.

"I can explain everything, I promise, but please just put it down." Wanda begged.

"You can't seriously be trying to get stronger, can you?" She rhetorically asked, "you're the scarlet witch how can-." She began to shout before the book started shaking in her hands.

It was almost as if by mentioning the scarlet witch, the book was unlocked and unleashed as y/n held it in her hands. It was a faint shake at first, but it soon grew to a large and forceful shake the more she held on to it. A lining of red energy began to form across the writing on the cover, where it then began making its way to y/n's hands.

Startled by the energy that was approaching her, she dropped the shaking book onto the hardwood floor. The second the book hit the floor with a thud, it seemed as though time froze, and tragedy unleashed.

"NO-." Wanda yelled, trying to stop the book from opening at y/n's feet, but she was too late.

Before wanda could make her way over to y/n to save her, a powerful ball of red energy came from the now opened pages of the book and swarmed around y/n, engulfing her inside of it and forcing wanda away.

The barrier the book put around y/n knocked wanda back with a harsh push, sending her falling to the floor beside the ball. Although she was knocked down, wanda wasn't going to hesitate trying to save y/n, not even for a second.

"Y/N!" She yelled while pushing herself up off of the floor, ignoring the pain in her shoulder.

She limped her way over to the ball and summoned a blast of her own powers, hoping it would pierce through the ball and bring back y/n. However, the second her energy touched the barrier, she was flung back onto the floor once again, this time with a force that made it harder for her to get back up.

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