Goodbye, director

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As the group made their way into the quinjet, the night began allowing hints of the early morning to peak through its blanket. Due to the fact that Monica and Jimmy had managed to gain control of it during the fight, there was no struggle while they all boarded the jet.

"Wow, you two really broke into this thing, didn't you?" Y/n asked as everyone fanned out to different places in the small interior of the quinjet.

Monica and Jimmy instantly made their way over to the controls as if they were both going to fly back, Darcy attempted to search for any kind of medication within the jet that would've helped wanda's arms, and y/n helped wanda sit down in one of the seats.

"I've learned a few things in my days of being a sword agent." Monica bragged.

"And I just... watched Monica and copied." Jimmy cleared his throat before turning back to face the window.

Y/n faintly smiled at what Jimmy had said before turning to look at wanda to make sure she was as comfortable as she could've been. When she saw the dull look on wanda's face, she placed her hand on her neck and gently moved her head up.

"We're gonna go home... darcys gonna find a way to get these off, and then we're going to do whatever the fuck we want." She told her, her thumb tracing her jawline, "does that sound good?"

"That sounds good." Wanda chuckled softly before leaning forward to plant a gentle kiss on y/n's lips.

After pulling away from the kiss, y/n crouched down and placed one of her shoes out in front of her to adjust the laces on it. While she was crouched over with her shoelaces in her hand, Hayward finally emerged from his hiding spot and met with them. He was supported by 4 guards, two on each side of him, while he stood at the bottom of the open hatch to the quinjet.

He didn't announce his arrival at all. In fact, the reason why y/n knew he was there was after Monica told her.

"Looks like the rats come out of hiding." Monica coughed and stood beside y/n with her arms crossed, looking down at the director with a death stare.

Y/n tilted her head and saw the director herself, which, of course, reignited the rage she'd always felt for him. Without taking her eyes away from his, she tightened the shoelaces with a harsh pull and stood up straight.

Neither Hayward or y/n moved from their spot while they glared at each other. The first bit of a movement that came from anyone was when Monica attempted to pace out of the quinjet with the intentions of putting up a fight.

However, sensing how Hayward felt, y/n held her arm out before Monica could get past her. Surprisingly, Monica didn't question why y/n wasn't letting her go ahead with her plan, which is exactly what y/n wanted.

"Let me." Y/n told her, and Monica backed away.

When Monica returned to the very front of the quinjet, y/n flashed a look to Hayward's guards, which he caught onto. With one wave of the hand, the guards that shielded him all lowered their guns in synchronisation, and only then did y/n begin to walk down the platform and onto the gravel opposite Hayward.

"That was impressive." He told her, referring to how she'd managed to get herself and wanda out of the building.

"What the fuck do you want?" She scowled, ignoring his comment.

"I just want to talk." He told her, clearly lying.

"Tell your guards to go inside and I'll consider talking to you." She replied, clenching her fists beside her.

It took a moment of hesitation for Hayward, but he did eventually dismiss the guards back into the building so it was only the two of them standing on the ground.

"Is that good enough for you?" He asked with a hint of sarcasm.

Annoyed by his tone, she summoned a charge of energy at her hand and dangled it in her fingers beside her, "I'd watch what you say to me if I were you."

"So that's what it is?" He gawked at her hand, the blue energy reflecting in his wide eyes, "we knew you were different, we just didn't know you were a... witch."

"What are you talking about?" She asked without releasing the energy at all.

"Come on, y/n, we took your blood every once in a while and you thought they were just mandatory tests. And think about how many tests we did, did you really think we wouldn't figure out that your dna isn't entirely human?" He explained.

Hearing that only made the flame of anger burn brighter as it fought to be let out and used against the cause. Although y/n managed to stay reasonable calm, Monica began pacing forward, away from her spot at the back if the quinjet to help her.

Once again, before Monica could make it out, someone held their hand out to block her, but it was wanda this time. Again, Monica didn't force herself past the barrier wanda put up, but she did look down at her with a face that showed she wanted answers.

"Stay here." Wanda told her without taking her eyes off of y/n, "she knows what she's doing."

Biting back her anger, y/n demanded, "give me one reason as to why I shouldn't kill you right now."

"Because if I die, sword reveals your true identity to the world." He answered, "everyone will see this monster you've become. They'll see you tearing through the sword facility, destroying as much of it as you can."

"That's not the full story, and you know that." She shook her head.

"But the citizens won't." He shrugged, "all they'll know, is that you worked with the enemy and returned with these abilities- dangerous abilities that you used to hurt and kill people. They won't treat you like human anymore, they'll just be afraid of you."

While shaking her head, she faked a laugh, "you never fail to surprise me, Hayward, you know that?"

Under the mask he held up, a small smirk appeared; a smirk which was fuelled by his assumption of y/n's mercy.

"But you wanna know something else?" She sarcastically asked, "I'm done listening to your bullshit."

With her words, it was clear that his confidence was shaken from him, even when he tried to hide it with the mask he still proudly wore.

"You wanna expose me to the world? Do it." She shrugged, "I've got much bigger things to worry about then people not liking me."

He gulped, but hid it, "like what?"

"Like finally getting rid of you." She admitted.

After her words left her mouth, she was able to feel Hayward's heart racing in his chest; racing in fear. So, she began slowing getting closer to him and watching the way he stumbled back in fear.

As she approached, she made sure that the energy in her hand was growing noticeable bigger and used it to scare Hayward. Hayward stumbled backwards to subtly get away from y/n but, because he wasn't looking, he tripped over his own foot and fell to the ground. Even when he was on the floor, he still pushed and kicked himself back to get away from who he now feared.

"If you do this..." he began to tell her in a shaky breath, "the world will no longer look at you as a hero, but as a villain."

Keeping the stone cold expression on her face, she looked down at him, "I'm willing to make that sacrifice."

When he saw that she wasn't giving up, he backed himself up further and panicked more, "I'm serious- y/n. They'll never look at you the same. Everyone you love will have to leave you after seeing what you've done."

Unamused by his manipulation, y/n squinted down at him, "goodbye, director."


The energy blast that y/n forced in his direction cut his sentence off entirely. His body was shoved into the ground, the impact snapping his spine. However, it didn't matter. By the time the energy made contact with his body, he could've already been considered a dead man.

No sarcastic comment followed what she'd just done, but she didn't look down at his lifeless body, and realised that it was official.

At last, the director was dead.

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