A new morning feeling

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The faint noise of birds chirping on the trees that surrounded the cabin accompanied the two as they woke up beside each other. The weather consisted of a beautiful shining sun and an ever so slight breeze of cool wind. There was not a single distraction for miles - not even the sound of the stream gushing beside the house was considered a distraction to the two sleeping lovers.

The two were side by side underneath the quaint covers of wanda's bed. They were breathing gently as they were finally able to relax now that they had been relieved of their worries as they knew the love they had for each other was a mutual and spoken feeling.

After breaking the last barrier, they spent the rest of the afternoon cuddling in the bed and talking to each other about whatever seemed to come to mind in the moment. They didn't want to be apart from each other for any point in the afternoon, except when they had to for dinner. But, even then, while dinner was being made, they still clung to each other until they returned back to the bed for the evening.

Even though they fell asleep in each other's arms, they naturally parted to their sides of the bed over the course of the night. However, even though they were not physically touching, they felt closer than ever.

When the delicate sounds of the birds chirping and the view of the sun shining reached the cabin, wanda stirred into consciousness. The moment she realised that y/n's arms weren't wrapped around her, she pushed herself up and turned around to see y/n sleeping on her back.

She smiled to herself while gazing at her partner, but she decided that she wanted to wake her up as soon as possible, mostly because she was excited to see her. Eager to get her up, wanda rested slightly above y/n's sleeping face.

"Y/n." She whispered, and when she received no answer, she whispered again, "y/n."

When she saw the small smile which came from y/n once she heard her, wanda grew more impatient, and more eager to wake her up. So, she sat up entirely and considered doing something that she suspected would wake her up instantly.

Biting back her giggle, wanda straddled y/n's hips and watched her slowly wake up in confusion. When y/n saw wanda, she perched her head up and smiled to her before closing her eyes and dropping her head back down.

"Wake up." Wanda told her.

"5 more minutes." Y/n groaned, rubbing her eyes with her hand.

"Y/n, get up." She repeated, still giggling with excitement.

"Okay, okay." She hummed.

However, more time went by and y/n remained lying on her back with her eyes closed, and Wanda waited patiently on her hips, looking down at her.

"Seriously?" Wanda cocked her brow, "get up, get up, get up." She repeated, gently bouncing up and down as if it would jolt y/n out of her slumber completely.

Then, wanda held her hair back with her hands while scattering kisses anywhere she could on y/n's tired face. While smiling and giggling, y/n finally opened her eyes and looked up at wanda.

"You seem happier than usual this morning." She playfully teased, knowing the exact reason as to why wanda felt that way.

With a playful squint, wanda asked, "you seem more tired than usual."

"Okay, okay, wow." She chuckled while pushing herself up to a sit.

Once she was in a sit, y/n wrapped her arms around wanda's waist, and Wanda wrapped her arms around y/n's neck.

"So what's got you so excited?" Y/n sarcastically asked, purely because she wanted to hear wanda say it.

"It's our first morning as a-..." she cut herself off when she realised what she was about to say.

Y/n playfully cocked her brow, "as a what?"

"As.... two people who recently confessed their love for each other." Wanda shrugged.

Y/n nodded, "real smooth, maximoff."

"Well, I mean... we don't really have an official label considering the fact that you haven't asked me the question yet." Wanda teased.

"The question?" Y/n hummed, "I wonder what it is."

"You know exactly what it is." She gave her a look while gently twirling strands of y/n's hair in her fingertips.

"And you really want me to ask you this?" Y/n asked, even though she was also excited to have the label.

Wanda hummed while thinking, "yep."

"Fine." Y/n looked her in the eyes, "Wanda maximoff... the scarlet witch... the... all great and powerful.... the-." She began playfully listing.

"Alright, I get it." Wanda nodded with a chuckle.

"Wanda... will you be my... girlfriend?" She asked.

Biting her lip to suppress her smile as much as she could, wanda nodded, "of course."

Noticing how excited wanda was, y/n smiled to herself, "you're adorable." She perched her head up to place a kiss on wanda's forehead, which only made her giggle more.

"Okay, I am going to go make you the nicest breakfast you've ever had." Wanda assured her as she pulled herself up and off of the bed.

"I don't doubt that." Y/n smiled, wrapping the covers around her bare legs.

"And then, you and i are going to go and pick as many berries as we can and make cupcakes again." She explained.

"That sounds amazing." She nodded to her.

The two remained where they were in the room. Y/n curled over in a slump, her legs buried under the covers with a large t shirt covering the rest of her body. And Wanda, standing over by the door, her eyes locked with y/n's while they both smiled at each other.

"I love you." Wanda told her one last time, smiling her way over into a kiss.

Once wanda pulled back out of the kiss, y/n smiled and watched her walk away to the door, "I love you, too."

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