Chasing planes

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Both of the planes remained flying as fast as they could, piercing easily through the harsh winds of the high skies. Haywards plane was, of course, further ahead, but that didn't dull y/n's determination at all.

With her hand gripped tightly on the controls, she sat forward and tensed in her seat, her eyes glued to plane speeding away from her. Whenever she was flying smoothly, she'd remove one of her hands from the controls to try and connect the communications from the two planes, which usually didn't work.

After many failed attempts and fed up groans, the line cackled and finally sent the connection through, allowing y/n to have contact with Hayward's plane.

"Hey, y/n, nice to know you're alive." Hayward stated, and his smirk was imaginable from his cocky tone.

"Hayward, I swear to god, you're going to regret this." She warned him through gritted teeth.

"Oh, is that right?" He asked, "we'll see if that's true when you catch up to me. Of I should say: if you catch up to me."

Following his claim, the third jet rose over the clouds and caught y/n's attention. She didn't have any time to react before a shot was fired from the jet behind her. Although it didn't hit y/n's jet, she was able to watch it fly over, inches away from the window at the cockpit, which sent her into an annoyance.

"Oh, you motherfuck-." She groaned before the sudden motion of the plane being hit with another shot caused her to cut herself off.

With an annoyed sigh, she slammed her hand against the controls to turn it to autopilot before she pushed herself out of the pilot seat. She paced with frustration and opened the hatch to the back of the jet, watching it slowly fall open. While it opened, she held on tightly to a bar beside it and cleared her throat in preparation.

Once the door had opened entirely, the cold winds hit her face and pushed her back slightly, but she held on regardless. With the cold air crashing against her face and the harsh winds tearing through her hair, y/n leant out of the open hatch of the quinjet. Her hand, which was latched tightly around a bar, was the only thing keeping her grounded and secure in the jet as it flew without her control.

She squinted and took a breath while lining up her hand with the front of the jet which was only a short distance behind her. The first blast she sent was jogged and turned away by the wind, but she didn't dwell on it anymore than she needed.

By the second blast she fired, the jet had started to prepare its own methods of attack which they used instantly. Two slick and almost invisible guns emerged from the side of the quinjet and aimed themselves directly at y/n.

The moment an array of bullets was fired, y/n sent out a pulse of energy to block them without even realising it. The bullets were dismissed and dropped to the ground way below them, but the agents didn't give up there.

While y/n gawked at the way the energy she sent out faded into the clouds, the agents fired another load of bullets. Luckily, they didn't hit y/n herself, but they did spring against the bar she was holding onto, which, of course, startled her.

She didn't take a moment to think about what she was doing. The second she heard the bullets clank against the bar, she instinctively let go without any further thought. However, the high speeds they were flying at caused a gush of wind to force itself into the jet, and push y/n out.

As she began sliding off of the jet, she attempted to grab onto anything she could to prevent herself from falling, but her fingertips slipped from the only thing she seemed to get ahold of, and she dropped.

The plane continued flying, even without her presence, and the plane behind it relaxed with the satisfaction of knowing that y/n was going to fall to her death. Although, they didn't know - they only assumed.

She was falling. The wind tossed her in every which way, and she was falling. Her body seemed limp as it fell to wherever the wind wanted it to fall, and she was losing control. Of course, she was panting and panicking as she fell down, which didn't help her case. And the closer she got to the ground, the more she panicked.

Then, she was calm. It seemed as though the wind stopped and the air flattened to a lightness beneath her. Her worry drained from her as she felt the energy she now harboured taking control for her.

The royal blue energy began forming a cloud of comfort at her hands, which then trailed up through her arms. Then, with a short exhale and a smirk, she forced her arms down and pushed herself up into the skies.

She was now rising, higher and higher the more she pushed. Soon, she was soaring through the air, leaving a trail of blue energy that dissipated at her departure.

The plane that knocked her down had continued with its trails, flying straight after the director. However, it's route was disrupted the second y/n blocked their path by slowly rising in front of the plane. The moment the pilot laid eyes on her, he sprung to a panic. But it was a panic that wasn't worth having, as y/n sent a pulse towards the quinjet which effortlessly sliced through its bearings.

With its power stripped from it, the plane could only cease and fall. So it did. It started with a slow drop, but soon turned to a harsh and inescapable fall.

"Bye, then." Y/n called down to it as it fell, purely for her own entertainment.

Once the jet had fallen out of her eyesight, she returned to reality, slowly beginning to feel the weight the energy took from her. So, she turned herself round to see her abandoned quinjet still flying in a straight and smooth path with its hatch dropped open.

With one last push, she forced herself through the air and held her breath tighter the closer she got to the jet. Then, all in one moment, she slid through the slither of space and skidded along the floor, her blue energy fading away.

She lied on her back with her head facing the ceiling, a pant masking her breath as she calmed down. A small smile overcame her once she realised just how much power she now held, but she didn't let it distract her for a second longer.

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