A small adventure

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Like y/n had predicted, it was hot. It wasn't too hot to the point where it became painfully unbearable, and the white t shirt she'd been given definitely made it feel cooler.

Both of their shoes held up nicely in the hardened ground as they trekked over to the woods by wanda's house.

The cabin was nicely surrounded by mountains and trees which hid it. One of the forests was the dark and gloomy one, swarming with wolves at night, and the other was a beautiful clear one with flowers and fruits blossoming within the growth.

Wanda led the journey with the basket leaning on her arm, while y/n walked gradually behind her, her hands resting in the deep pockets of her trousers.

Aforesaid, the sun wasn't too hot, so she didn't complain about it as much as she thought she would. As they entered the deeper part of the forest, y/n removed her hands from her pockets in order to push away some of the branches and leaves out of her path.

Mentally, she battled with the duality of her feelings while staying silent. The half of her that desperately wanted to keep a wall up, protecting herself from any potential harm, vs the other, the part that was more than willing to dive straight into her feelings with wanda.

She considered these dichotomies in her head while mindlessly pushing branches out of her way, until one slipped from her hand and flew into the direction of her face.

Seconds before it could hit her face, it was grabbed by the illuminating lights of wanda's magic, freezing it in place. She turned to see wanda with her hand aiming at the branch, energy seeping from it.

Wanda smirked, "you should really watch where you're going." Then gently pushed the branch away.

She scoffed at the branch and lightly jogged to catch up to wanda, "are you gonna tell me what we're doing out here?"

"Nope." She shook her head.

Y/n stopped in her track and watched wanda continue to walk deeper into the woods with a calm energy. With a sigh, she slowly began walking again.

"Are you taking me out here to kill me, miss maximoff?" She asked, watching the leaves crush under the weight of her boots.

"Do you seriously think I would need to take you even further away from the rest of society just to kill you?" She asked, leaning her head around to look at her.

She paused, "that's unsettling." Then continued following wanda into the woods.

Her eyes stayed glued to the ground, watching the way the small stones flew when she kicked them out of her path. Then, out of the stones she found on the ground, one stood out from all.

A smile came over her as she bent down to pick it up, before pacing up to wanda with it tightly in her hand. When she was close enough to wanda, she tapped her shoulder, causing her to stop and turn around to face her.

Instead of providing an explanation, y/n held the rock in the palm of her hand, displaying it for wanda to see.

She looked at the rock, then at y/n, "What's that?"

"Rent." She told her.

Closing her eyes for a brief moment, wanda let out a chuckle before taking the rock from y/n's hand to accept the gesture.

Even after the joke was over, wanda slid the rock gently into her pocket, her smile remaining on her face.

Growing impatient, y/n asked, "Now can you finally gonna tell me where we're going?"

"Why don't I just show you?" She shrugged, waving her arm to display the trees they now stood before.

Before she could think to answer the remark, her eyes were grabbed and her attention was entranced by the trees that stood towering over them. They were beautifully green trees that hung over in a way that showed off their gorgeous leaves. From those gorgeous leaves hung cherries. Ripe, red, and perfect cherries.

"Oh." Y/n muttered, truly caught in the sight her eyes feasted on, "this was worth it."

"You know what'll make it even more worth it?" Wanda asked rhetorically, "if you can help me get as many cherries into this basket so we can make some treats with it."

She furrowed her brows, "do you wanna specify what treats? Or leave me in suspense?"

"Leave you in suspense, of course." She nodded, smiling.

"Really?" She groaned. It was sarcastic, of course. She knew wanda wasn't going to change her mind and tell her earlier, and she wasn't actually annoyed by it.

"I'm not just gonna tell you it straight away, where's the fun in that?" She asked with her brow cocked.

With a smirk, she shot back, "So you want me to work for it?"

"If by work, you mean putting cherries into this basket, then yes." She nodded, "I want you to work for it."

She sighed, giving in. She turned to begin plucking the cherries off of the trees, "this better be worth it, if you're making me work for it."

"Believe me, it will be." Wanda chuckled softly while she began using her magic to hook off the cherries that perched at the highest parts of the tree.

"How many do we need?" Y/n asked, already bunching a collection in the palm of her hand.

"As much as we can get in this basket." Wanda explained, holding the basket out.

"That's a pretty big basket, wanda." She mentioned, looking at it, "are you planning on inviting a crowd for this treat?"

"You underestimate how much I love cherries. I'll eat whatever you don't." She assured her, funnelling a row of cherries into the open slot of the basket, "do you like cherries?"

"I do, but I prefer strawberries." She casually answered back, slotting the cherries into the basket.

"I'll keep that in mind." Wanda mumbled

"Please don't try turning these cherries into strawberries, that doesn't sound safe or edible-." She warned her.

"Strawberries can grow around here." She cut her off, "that's what I meant."

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