Exploring the cabin

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With the wind whistling against the glass panes of the window, the cabin settled to a peace. It was quiet, but not awkward. If y/n was standing in that situation with anyone else, she would've found it awkward. The silence would've bothered her, and the feeling of waiting for a moment to leave would've clouded her, but not with Wanda. Not a moment in this silence was awkward, because even in the silence the two left, they found the peace they'd always searched for. They just never knew that the reason there was peace there was something much bigger then they could've imagined. It was also the answer for something else they'd been searching for for so long.

Y/n wandered around the kitchen, her eyes bouncing from every single one of the engravings on the walls that she could spot, each making her more curious than the last. At first, she didn't want answers. However, like always, when she didn't have an immediate explanation, she did want an answer.

Meanwhile, wanda sat comfortably on the couch with her legs tucked up to her body as she flicked through the pages of her current favourite book: killing eve.

"What are these carvings?" She asked, pointing to one of the many patterns that caught her attention.

"Hmm?" Wanda hummed from the sofa, keeping her eyes down to the book she was reading.

"All over the walls, there are carvings." She explained, "What are they?"

She looked at what y/n pointed at, then looked back down at the book, "Runes."

She paused, "Am i supposed to... know what that is?"

Wanda put her book down after folding the corner of the page and walked over to where y/n was, "They're protection spells."

"To protect you from what?" She asked.

"Other witches using their magic." She explained, standing beside y/n, both of them looking at the runes on the walls.

"So it can't-." She thought, and as she thought, she walked over to the door, "it can't stop someone from kicking down the door and trying to kill you?"

With a smirk, she shot back, "It didn't stop you, did it?"

She stared at her with an unamused stare and cocked her brow, "Okay, i wasn't trying to kill you." As she finished the sentence, her cockiness faded and she mumbled, "The 'kicking down the door part' I cant argue with."

She hummed in agreement, "thank you for that, by the way."

"Sorry... about that." She awkwardly muttered, looking at the broken locks on the door that wanda hadn't managed to slot back into place.

Seeing the slight moment of guilt flush over y/n, wanda turned the situation into a joke to humour her, "You know, I really think you should start paying me rent."

Instantly jumping in with the joke, she replied, "I would, but I spent all my money on a really cute shop I found while I dragged myself over here."

"That's unfortunate." She squinted, "I guess I'll just have to evict you."

"Wait." After saying that, she turned around and headed to the door.

"Y/n, where are you-." Wanda began asking before y/n cut her off by opening the door.

The second the door opened, she bolted out and held her hands above her as if it would prevent the rain from getting to her.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" Wanda yelled while trying to hold back the laugh she really wanted to let out.

Instead of stopping and shouting back, y/n laughed to herself while roaming around on the grass. The rain flew down and landed anywhere it could, drenching y/n to the point where her clothes dropped at the pressure of the water. Despite the fact the clothes got heavier, she kept searching for anything that she could've jokingly given wanda.

Then, she found something that sparked her interest. It was just a small, plain rock, but hopefully with some added meaning, wanda would at least laugh.

With the rock in her hand, she turned back and ran back into the cabin, squealing at how cold she was.

Wanda stood waiting for her at the door, laughing as she watched y/n run up the stairs in a desperate attempt to get back inside as quick as she could.

When the door closed and the rain was shut out again, wanda stood, waiting for y/n to explain what she just did.

"Your rent, miss maximoff." She bowed down in front of her, handing her the smooth, wet rock.

As she bent down, the rain water dripped down from her hair and onto the rest of her clothes, then onto the wooden floor below her.

Instead of getting annoyed the the floor was getting drenched, wanda laughed and took the rock from her hand and held her hands out in-front of her.

"Stay there, let me get you a towel." She lightly ordered while her giggle remained.

Like wanda ordered, she stayed still while the water slid from her hair, to her shoulders, to her stomach, and to her legs until wanda returned.

Without saying anything, wanda instinctively began lifting the towel over y/n's head to dry her hair for her. She wrapped the towel around her arms and used the ends of it to dry her hair.

As a response to the caring actions wanda showed, y/n's excitable stare gently faded into an enchanted gaze that focused solely on every detail of her face.

As the excited feeling that overcame y/n made her stare deeply into wandas eyes, she breathed heavily to catch her breath. She panted faintly and smiled while watching every tiny movement on wanda's face, even if she wasn't looking back at her.

"Let me make dinner tonight." Y/n blurted, "I have a special recipe for soup memorised."

She smiled and looked into her eyes, "Wow, look at you being nice."

"No, I'm not." She shook her head with the faintest smile, "It's only because you've let me stay here, and I don't want to owe you anything in the future."

"Right, and making soup is basically the same as me healing your leg and letting you live here for as long as you need, is it?" She sarcastically asked with a smirk.

She paused, looking at wanda with a smile, drops of water still falling from her wet hair, "It's good soup."

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