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Y/n remained lying in wanda's arms for the duration of the trip, just as Darcy rested cuddled against her girlfriend as well. The hallucination wanda projected for y/n while they fixed her wound lasted a lot longer than it seemed, so y/n didn't have to wait too long to get back to the cabin.

For all the time they did have in the jet, y/n just slipped in and out of a nap while wanda mindlessly played with her hair. Even when y/n felt the jet landing on the ground by the way the floor adjusted, she didn't immediately get up, as she was loving the way wanda's hand glided through her hair.

But, when the hatch of the jet began to move, she pushed herself up off of the floor, gently pulling wanda up with her. Jimmy left the cockpit and joined the team as they waited for the door to open.

Once the door had opened enough, y/n sent one look towards the cabin and then back at wanda when she saw that the agents she'd left there were now no where to be seen.

"The agents that were here must've walked to the village." She suggested as she watched the door go down.

Wanda shrugged, "either that or they've been eaten by wolves."

"Did she say wolves?" Jimmy leaned in to whisper to Darcy, "yeah, i don't wanna spend the night here."

Then, when the hatch had touched the ground, the two witches walked down them and stepped down onto the grass before turning to watch what the rest of the group were going to do. Darcy and Monica made their way down just after, and Jimmy followed shortly behind.

There they were again. The group all standing in a circle, not particularly knowing what to say to one another.

Jimmy was the first to speak, "this is a really nice cabin, wanda."

Wanda smiled, "thank you."

"And the area it's in is perfect." He added.

"Isn't it just?" Y/n chimed in, "the lake there is perfect for a hot day, it cooled me down right away."

"Yeah, it was so good she decided to stay under the water for so long that I thought she drowned." Wanda sarcastically smiled.

Monica squinted in interest, "you'll have to tell us about your stories one day, I'm sure they're all interesting."

"Yeah, and i really want to know how you went from a plane crashing into the ground to falling in love with a witch." Jimmy mentioned, "I cant fathom how those two events are linked."

"You will get all the details one day, I promise." She nodded to them.

Then, the group were standing in silence once again, but they were smiling. They were content, safe, and at peace once again.

"So, is this..." Darcy hinted, "goodbye for now?"

"Uh-." Y/n turned to get wanda's opinion.

Wanda bit her lip to hide a smirk, "I'll give you guys a minute."

"I'll be there in a minute." She smiled to her before watching her walk back into the cabin.

Once she turned her head back round to face her trio, Darcy stepped forward to be the first one to say goodbye.

"Well, well, well." She hummed while stepping closer to y/n, "look how far you've come, huh? Not too long ago you were complaining about powered people and superheroes, and now you are one."

Y/n chuckled softly, "powered person, yes, but 'superhero'..." she shrugged, "i haven't decided if that's the lifestyle I want."

"Why not?" She furrowed her brows.

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