Lazy mornings

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Last night, wanda managed to read a little more into the book before they remembered about the soup, which cut them off. They both ate and enjoyed their meal until, once again, they parted ways to go to sleep.

Despite the occasional times wanda woke up in the night, she had quite a nice sleep. Even then, the night quickly faded away, allowing the day to take over.

As always, wanda woke up before y/n and walked in with a slightly different attitude to every other day. Instead of instantly making a coffee to wake herself up, her first instinct was to join y/n on the couch.

Y/n was faintly awake, mostly tossing and turning around on the couch until she heard wanda's footsteps approaching. Then, she pushed herself up to a sit and began stretching while watching wanda walk round to join her.

Pulling the blue checkered robe out from underneath her, wanda slumped down on the couch with a satisfied sigh. Noticing how relaxed she seemed, y/n squinted with a smirk.

"You seem different this morning." She mentioned.

Smiling, wanda turned to her, "that soup really has an effect, doesnt it?"

"Yeah." She nodded proudly, "it does."

Even though wanda did actually like the soup, that wasn't why her attitude was different. To her, it felt like she was finally not alone. After the comforting evening she had with y/n last night, she realised how she felt. She was calm, she was comfortable, and she was finally at home.

"Cereal?" Wanda suggested.

"Uh-." She stammered, "yeah, yeah. That sounds great."

Wanda pushed herself off of the couch and hummed her way over to the kitchen, which y/n watched. She grabbed two red bowls from the cupboard and placed them side by side on the countertop.

While wanda roamed around the kitchen, y/n watched the difference in her attitude with a stare. She noticed how she seemed more comfortable, more calm, and most importantly, more safe.

Y/n waited patiently on the couch, her legs crossed beneath her as she twiddled with her thumbs. In any other circumstance, she'd hate having to wait for anything. But, in this case - and for wanda - she'd wait as long as she'd have to.

However, even though y/n was prepared to wait for ages, it didn't take long for wanda to prepare two bowls of cereal, and after she had, she walked back round to the couch, smiling to y/n as she did so.

Y/n hummed as she took the bowl she was offered from wanda's hands, "sugar snaps. I haven't seen these in a while."

"I used to have it all the time in the avengers compound." Wanda mentioned, sitting back down on the couch.

"Oh, I meant to ask you about that." Y/n remembered, "what was it like living with the avengers? Who was the biggest slob?"

"Stark, definitely." She answered the second y/n stopped talking, "living there was great, it took some adjustments, but it was great. There were times where it would get a little heated, most of them are argumentative. But it would get resolved sooner or later, and... we'd just go back to normal. The bad part was all the stress from fighting all the time."

Y/n nodded, understandingly, "which of the big three did you fight the most?" She casually asked as she began eating the cereal.

"The big three?" Wanda's brows furrowed as she looked at her.

"Yeah, the big three." She shrugged. When she realised wanda didn't know what they were, she looked surprised, "wanda, come on, the big three."

"Y/n, I genuinely don't know what that is." She shook her head.

"I seriously thought they would've told you about that in your avenger training. It's Androids, aliens, and wizards." She explained.

Wanda stayed silent for a few moments, absorbing the information before she scoffed, "that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

"What?" Y/n squealed out of shock, "how is it? It's the truth."

"That's not the truth." She shook her head, "I mean, yeah, there's androids and aliens but when the fuck has there been a wizard?"

She paused to think, then clicked her finger, "Dr strange."

"We've never fought him." Wanda shook her head again.

"Okay, but wizards exist, and he's proof." She nodded.

"Well, he's not anyway. He's not a wizard, he's a sorcerer." She corrected her.

She shrugged, "That's the same thing. And, hey, you're a witch, right? That's just a female wizard."

"I'm not having this discussion with you." She chuckled slightly while dismissing.

Y/n still looked at wanda, baffled, "I can't believe you've never heard of the big three."

"I don't know why you seem to think I'd understand what you're talking about." Wanda shrugged.

"So what did they teach you then?" She squinted.

"They taught me new methods to use my powers, and avengers codes I needed to learn, not the big three." She explained.

"Oh, okay." She understood, "who was the most annoying?"

"Oh, my god." Wanda chuckled, "you want insider gossip on the avengers?"

Even though wanda asked that sarcastically, she nodded back, "yeah."

"Fine." She sighed, thinking, "steve was as he seems, very careful and cautious, he cared about safety a lot of the time. Vision was useful, but he knew absolutely nothing about privacy or personal space, we had to tell him about it all the time." She smiled as she reminisced, "nat was great. I would sometimes train with her, but most of the time she was just a good friend. She could always tell when something was off, and she knew exactly what to do to make you feel better. Sam was- god, he was funny. He was the life in the compound, he could make everyone laugh, didn't matter how they felt."

Y/n softly chuckled, "wow, they sounded amazing."

"Yeah." Wanda's smile faded as she thought more about them, "I really miss them."

Instantly noticing her change of mood, y/n momentarily panicked. She didn't want wanda to feel down in any way shape or form, not even for a second. So, she suggested something that would lighten the mood.

Y/n stretched her arm across and placed her hand on top of wandas, circling her thumb on the back of wanda's hand, "how about we watched season 2 of killing eve today?"

Wanda smiled, just like y/n knew she would, "I'd really like that."

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