The boredom starts hitting

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As the day progressed, the two wandered around the house wherever they could to find entertainment.
The longer they spent together - and the longer they edged around their feelings - the less activities there were to do.

Wanda had almost finished the first killing eve book which she read anytime she could, but y/n had to find other sources of entertainment.

On this day, wanda had read a few pages in her room while drinking what was left of her second coffee, but she decided she didn't want to stay in there all day. Mostly because she wanted to see what y/n was doing so she could determine whether or not she was going to make a move.

She left her room, her head instinctively searching for y/n. However, when she found her slouched over on the table working on the puzzle she'd previously given her, she paused.

"You still haven't finished that?" She asked.

She turned to acknowledge wanda's presence before placing her attention back into the puzzle, "Oh, no, I have." She told her, "3 times, to be exact."

Her face scrunched in confusion as she walked over to her seat, "why are you doing it again?"

"Well theres... not really anything else to do around here." She told her. Despite how hard she tried to make it sound like a casual remark, it came across as though she was bored and impatient. Even though she was bored and impatient, she didn't want to make wanda feel bad about anything.

With her eyes in a squint, she watched y/n slowly piecing together the puzzle. Then an idea came into her head, and instead of pushing it down due to the lack of confidence, she went for it.

"Come with me." She softly ordered, turning away to get something from a nearby cupboard.

Obliging, y/n pushed the seat back and walked over to wanda, "What?"

"Come on, come with me." She repeated.

"Where are we going?" She asked.

"Do you wanna sit down and do an interview, or do you wanna come with me?" She sarcastically asked, standing up straight with a basket in her hand.

After a few moments of silence and contemplation, she sighed, "Come with you."

"Good choice." She smiled, making her way over to the door.

Y/n watched her while standing still for a moment, mentally debating whether or not she was going to blindly follow wanda.

"Wait, before we go." She called out just before wanda could make it to the door.

Wanda paused in her walk and turned to face y/n, awaiting her next words with a supportive look on her face.

"If we're going outside, can you turn these clothes into something lighter?" She asked, "it's gonna be hot."

"Sure, what do you want?" She asked, clearing her throat.

"Uh... just give me a white shirt and..." she smiled as she thought of it, "a new pair of combat trousers."

"And a pair of black combat trousers will keep you cool, yeah?" she sarcastically asked.

"Well, I've still gotta look good." She shrugged.

That was her favourite thing to wear; combat trousers. Something about the way they were slightly baggy without being annoying, nicely cuffed at the ankles, high waisted, and generally comfortable appealed to her in a way that no other item of clothing really did. Just like how wanda had her signature blanket, y/n had her signature outfit, which was usually a variation of combat trousers with combat boots.

Because of that, wanda didn't question it. She figured out that she clearly got comfort from the outfit, so she smiled while preparing to make it, knowing it would make her happier.

As wanda focused on her hands, y/n pulled the red top she'd been wearing as pyjamas off of her body and loosely held it in her hands. When wanda finally looked up in front of her, she saw y/n standing there in sweatpants and a sports bra, holding a t shirt out to her.

"What are you-." She paused herself to look at her while she could, a small smirk appearing on her face.

"You need to change it, don't you?" She made sure, holding the shirt closer to wanda, "you use your magic hands to change it?"

Biting her lip to hide the soft laugh she wanted to let slip, wanda took the shirt from her hands and held it up in front of her. The red energy flew from her fingers and into the shirt where it then changed into a thin, white top.

Even though she'd seen wanda's magic before, y/n still gawked at it with amazement, which wanda noticed and smiled at.

Then, without a word, wanda used her magic to change the sweatpants into combat trousers, even when they were still on y/n's body. It wasn't an uncomfortable shift, but once it happened, she looked back up at wanda with her jaw dropped.

"You're telling me that I didn't need to take my shirt off for you to change it?" She asked, even though she knew the answer.

"Yeah." She nodded with a faint giggle, "but I enjoyed it though, so thank you."

"Alright, alright." She smirked, taking the now white shirt from wanda's hands.

"I mean.. we can do it like that from now on, if that's what you want." She shrugged, her smirk increasing.

She hummed, "it sounds like you're the one who wants to do it like that."

Instead of firing back an argument, she bit her lip to hide the excitement filled smile that she got from her flirtatious reply.

With wanda's beautiful eyes still glued to her, y/n put the top on and pulled it down, pulling her hair out from underneath it.

With a quick sigh, she nodded, "let's go."

Even though she had no idea as to where she was being taken, y/n followed where wanda led her without fear. Based on the fact she was an agent, her natural instinct would've been to avoid walking away to an unknown location, but things were different with wanda.

If it was with anyone else, she wouldn't have followed them at all. She would've asked more questions or demanded answers due to her agent instinct. But with wanda she wasn't an agent. She was simply a girl who did not yet know that she was in love.

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