Making a scene

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Everyone inside the building was calm and relaxed, running whatever errand they had left, or doing whatever small job needed to be done before they could go home. They were only doing their job, or innocently sitting in the waiting area, but they were all unsuspecting of what was about to happen.

By now, wanda had been moved from Hayward's hands and placed in a secure room hidden at the back of the building, but Hayward was still lingering in the open front section of the building. He stood casually, talking to the three guards which surrounded him about precautions and measures to take if anything was to go wrong.

"It'll be best if it's not on sword property," he began telling them, "but it needs to be done. If it's in this building, so be it. We'll just lie to the press like we did last time."

When y/n made it to the doors, she shoved them open with a force that almost sent it flying off its hinges and crashing onto the floor, but she didn't care as she began marching to the director.

"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE!?" She shouted, storming into the building.

Hayward's head turned to face y/n, a seemingly innocent and oblivious look covering his face. The agents beside him tightened their grip on the guns they held in their hands, even though they kept them aimed at the ground. All of them knew that they'd need to be ready to protect Hayward if anything dangerous would follow his cocky comments, so they remained alert.

Anyone else that was in the building all stopped what they were doing or suddenly became interested enough to turn and face the commotion that spawned in the middle of the large and hollow room. Even if what they were doing was important, even if they were moments away from finishing their day of work, they didn't want to ignore the disruptive argument - after all, how could they? It was the only thing worth watching to the bored people that were scattered across the entrance building for sword, so they had to look.

However, out of all of the strangers that watched from afar, there were familiar faces to y/n. Monica Rambeau stood leaning against the wall, once again, on the phone with her girlfriend moments before the doors swung open and revealed who she had spent so long worrying about.

The moment monica heard y/n shouting to Hayward, she kicked herself up to a stand and tensed her hold on the phone.

"Darcy, get the fuck down here right now." She told her girlfriend through the phone before turning it off and sliding it in her pocket.

Shocked to see y/n, her first instinct was to rush over to her. So, she began pacing across the room and over to her, but stopped instantly when she saw the anger on her face as she charged towards Hayward.

The room fell to a silence after y/n shouted, allowing the sound of her feet hitting the floor to be audible to anyone who was close by, even if they weren't listening.

"Y/n?" Hayward squinted, looking at her in confusion. It was a mask that he wore, of course. A mask he put on to make y/n look like the one in the wrong, as he usually tried to do with anyone who didn't agree with him.

"Don't you fucking dare act like you don't know what's going on." She stopped when she was standing in front of him, "what have you done with wanda?"

Hearing the familiar sound of y/n's voice, another one of her friends emerged from the hallway. Jimmy shyly perched his head round at first, but when he saw Monica waving him over, he lifted his head and quietly paced over to her.

"What's happening?" He whispered to Monica.

"I don't-.." she shook her head, "I don't know."

If the situation was different, y/n would've been more than happy to see her friends again, but the situation wasn't different. In fact, her attention was so fixated on finding wanda that she didn't even notice that her closest friends were watching her. She didn't notice that anyone was watching her.

"Perhaps we could discuss this in my office, rather than making a scene." He suggested, waving his agents to go and stand by his office door.

"You're unbelievable." She scoffed a laugh of annoyance, "I'll make a fucking scene if I have to."

"Really?" He furrowed his brows, "you'd risk your entire reputation just to, what? Argue with me."

"I would." She nodded patronisingly, "but I wouldn't just argue with you, Hayward. I would rip you limb from limb." She began telling him, watching the confidence slightly shake away from his stature, "I would make you feel a pain you didn't even know existed. And if you don't tell me where wanda is, I'll do it in front of everyone right now."

"You would?" His confidence returned, and he laughed.

While he let out the only laugh in the building, y/n's eyes burned deeply into his, even if he wasn't looking back at her. Her jaw clenched, and her fists balled the more she stared at him, her annoyance growing with every little movement his face made.

"You'd do such a horrible thing in front of your best friends?" He asked, pointing towards Monica and Jimmy.

With that comment, her anger flushed from her long enough for her to finally take in her surroundings. Not only did she see the amount of strangers, co workers, and innocent people shyly staring at her with confusion or fear, but she saw her two closest friends standing inches away from her.

She wanted to hug them, she wanted to talk to them, she wanted to reunite with them after their time apart, but she held herself back. Speechless by the overall situation she was in, she found that she wasn't able to form a sentence. She knew that nothing she could've said in that moment would make them understand, so she put her attention on her original plan.

"Tell me where wanda is." She told him, now in a calm and almost quiet mutter.

"How about you reconsider my offer to take this into my office?" He squinted as he watched her consider.

With one last harsh scowl, she shoved past him and paced her way into his office, her fists still balled at her sides, and her guard still up.

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