Cleaning up the messes

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Thankfully, when the agents in the village returned to consciousness, they had lost any trace of wanda and y/n. The market place they were in was in a state of mess with boxes smashed in half and items scattered everywhere after the fight.

They brushed themselves off with annoyance and tried their best to check the immediate area incase they could've found anything that would lead them to the girls. However, no matter where they checked, no matter who they asked, they didn't know where the girls managed to slip away to.

Of course, y/n drove the motorcycle all the way back to the cabin. By the time the agents woke up, the bike was too far away for the roar of the engine to give up their location.

When the bike stopped outside of the cabin, y/n helped wanda off of it and wrapped her arm over wanda's shoulder so she could help her up the steps and into the cabin.

No words or sentences were exchanged since they got off of the bike, not even when y/n began cleaning up Wanda's wounds for her. Wanda was sat up on the countertop while y/n stood in front of her, positioned between her legs so she could get as close to her as she could.

With a slightly damp rag, y/n gently began cleaning up the cuts and scrapes that were all across wanda's shoulders. It was instinctive, really. Y/n never asked wanda where the rag was, she never asked her to sit herself up, she just began naturally helping and healing wanda as if it was instinct for her.

After a while of the silence, wanda took a breath and spoke, "I'm sorry."

Without taking her eyes off of the cut she was cleaning in wandas shoulder, y/n told her, "I need you to stay still for me."

"I didn't mean to overreact, or scare you when I used the knife." As wanda began talking, she was subconsciously moving her head which got in the way of the cut y/n was trying to clean.

So, to stop her from moving, y/n placed her hand on wanda's jaw, firmly but gently holding her head in place so she could finish cleaning up the wounds that were being blocked by wanda turning her head.

When she was finished with the specific wound she was cleaning, y/n let go of wanda's jaw and moved on to cleaning another wound, allowing wanda to continue talking.

Wanda gulped quietly, "And I'm sorry for what I said about your brother."

When y/n was reminded, she sighed to herself but continued dabbing the rag on another cut, "we don't have to do this-."

"No, I just-." Wanda paused, "let me do this, please. First of all, I really want you to know that I didn't mean it." When she saw y/n sigh to herself, she became more passionate with what she was saying to her, "y/n, I really didn't. And I'm not even mad at you, I was just mad at sword. When I saw the plane in the woods, I just... I was reminded of everything. Everything ive lost, it just came flooding back and I didn't have anyone else to take it out on. You trusted me with that information, and i threw it in your face. It was immature, uncalled for, and... stupid of me. And I'm sorry." She looked her in the eyes, "I'm not asking you to forgive me now, but please, just give me time to show you how sorry I am... I'll be patient."

Once wanda finished talking, y/n stared into her eyes as if she was trying to read wanda, wanting to know if she was being serious. When she believed and trusted wanda, she took a breath.

"As far as apologies go," y/n nodded, "that was alright."

Knowing y/n was at least mildly approving of her apology, she sighed in relief to let go of the breath she was nervously holding in.

"How am i looking?" Wanda asked, referring to the wounds she'd gotten from the fight.

"You're gonna be okay." Y/n smiled faintly, looking into her eyes for a split second before looking back at her shoulder.

When seeing how nurturing y/n was being with her, wanda asked, "how about you? Are you okay, did you get hurt at all?"

"I'm fine." She dismissed without even thinking about it.

"Great." She smiled, "are you hungry? do you want anything to eat?"

Y/n cleared her throat and looked down, placing the rag on the counter beside wanda, "Wanda, I think it's best if I go."

Wanda's happy expression faded, "What?"

"Wanda, sword found me." Y/n looked up into her eyes, hoping it would make her understand, "you've seen how desperate they are, they'll stop at nothing to kill me. And if they find me and I'm with you... they will kill us both."

After finishing her explanation, y/n coughed awkwardly and began making her way towards the door, wanda's eyes watching her every move.

Pushing herself off of the counter, wanda reminded her, "Well, you can't go back to the village."

"I won't." She told her, putting her jacket back over her body, "I'll take the bike and I'll just drive to the next town over."

"Y/n, if you're worried about getting hurt, you know I can protect you." She assured her.

"This isn't about me, wanda, this about you." She corrected her, causing her to go silent, "you haven't seen what sword can really do if they want to. The only reason they didn't give it everything they had in west view was because they would've looked like the bad guys. But now, you're a criminal and I'm a fugitive from sword, they can put everything towards killing us, especially if we're both in one place. I don't care what they do to me, but i wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing I lead them to you. So I'm taking the bike so they can't track it, and I'm leaving."

"I-." Wanda stammered, her confidence flooded by shock.

She didn't expect y/n to go. Of course, she'd already convinced y/n to stay so many times, but that's because she had something holding her back.

The first time; the weather blocked her in. The second time; her leg was in too much pain - well, that's what y/n told her it was. But now, y/n had a thought out - and seemingly practical - plan, wanda felt as though she couldn't give her a good enough reason to stay.

While wanda panicked for good reasoning, y/n battled with her own thoughts. As she tightened the laces on her boots, she contemplated between two outcomes.

One being to stay with wanda. To give herself the joy she hoped was moments away from her by staying with someone she seemed to connect so deeply with.

Then, the other part of her argued to get her away. Not because she held some sort of grudge against wanda, no, it was the exact opposite. Despite her desperate want to be with wanda, she needed to distance herself for wanda's safety - or so she thought.

By the time y/n finished tying her laces, wanda still hadn't thought of a good enough reasoning to get her to stay, which slightly disappointed the both of them.

Y/n gulped slightly as she turned to the door, "take care of yourself for me, okay?" She placed her hand on the door handle, "goodbye, wanda."

Without thinking too much of it, wanda jolted forward and grabbed y/n's wrist to stop her from being able to leave through the door. Y/n turned sharply and looked for an explanation, an explanation that she found in the look wanda gave her.

"Stay." Wanda muttered, her eyes beaconing a desperate glow, "please, stay."

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