Chapter 2

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****Elizabeth’s POV****

“Liz? What are you going to order?” Niall asked softly, trying to ignore the stares around us. I smiled at him before looking up at the waitress. I ordered a small salad, trying to ignore Niall who was frowning at me. 

“What?” I asked with a smirk, and he shook his head. 

“You need more meat on these bones!” he exclaimed, pinching my arm. 

“No, I have to maintain my weight over the next few days. You do remember what’s coming up…don’t you?” I eyed him, causing him to laugh before he nodded. 

“Of course I do, how could I forget?” he asked tapping my nose, making me scrunch it up before smiling. 

“Good, because I don’t want to be stood up. Mom and Dad will NOT be okay with that,” I replied nervously before he took my hand, kissing it. 

“You have nothing to worry about,” Niall reassured me. I nodded as my salad arrived, which made my meal look like a bread crumb compared to Niall’s. His meal covered nearly half the table, and he ate every bit of it. 

“Are you done?” I laughed after he finished off his last plate. He looked over at me, smiled, and nodded. 

“Although…I could go for some dessert,” he winked, paying before we left. 

“That was lovely, thank you,” I sighed happily, climbing into the car. 

“You’re still going to come to the concert tonight right?” he asked anxiously, squeezing my hand gently. 

“Yes,” I grinned as I took his face in my hands, kissing him for a minute. 

“Good, I always do better when I want to show off,” he winked while I hugged him tightly. 

“I know you do, and I’m super excited! This is my first time seeing you in concert,” I squealed making him laugh. He kissed my cheeks quickly once we arrived back at my palace. 

“I’ll see you after the concert,” I winked, kissing him once more before I got out.

****Niall’s POV**** 

“Where were you Niall?” Liam joked as I walked in, rolling my eyes as I plopped down next to him on the couch. 

“Where do you think he was Liam? He was with his Princess,” Louis grinned, pinching my cheeks before he sat across from me. 

“You’ve still yet to introduce us to the lovely Elizabeth! It’s always been my dream to meet her you know,” Harry winked; such a flirt and he didn’t even know her.

“We’ve only been dating for a few months! I’m trying to show her parents how responsible I am, but you’ll get to meet her tonight because she’s coming to the concert,” I smiled happily while thinking about Elizabeth finally being able to see me perform.

“So she’s the one who rented out the suite for the concert tonight then,” Zayn joked, nudging Louis who grinned at me. 

“Oh leave Niall alone you guys! He’s finally found a girl he truly loves,” Eleanor smiled, coming in and curled up with Louis. I smiled at her as a sign of thanks, and she gave me a quick wink. 

“But in all seriousness though Niall…what is it like to be dating the Princess of England? I mean, you’ve met her mom and dad, the King and Queen, too right?” Harry asked curiously, and I smiled as we all stood up, heading out to our bus. 

“Her parents like the band and me a lot; they just don’t know if I’m right for Liz yet,” I let out a breath while we changed, and headed to the venue. 

“Well, we’ll see her after the show boys, now come on! We’ve gotta performance to do!” Liam exclaimed as we ran inside. 

****Elizabeth’s POV**** 

My guards helped me into the venue and up to the suite I would view the concert from. I sat down and I had to admit; this box was awesome. I could see every little thing, and nobody except the boys on stage could see me. A few moments of gazing around the room, my phone started buzzing. 

“Hello?” I smiled, leaning up against the window. 

“Hi babe! Are you here?” Niall asked quickly, and I smirked, biting my lip.

“I am, and I can't wait to see you perform,” I gushed, and I heard him chuckle. 

“I can't wait for you to see me! I gotta go; two minutes until the show starts! See you afterwards,” he called before I heard the phone click. I set my phone down, and I sat back as I dimmed the lights in the room. I saw a projector screen counting down, and I held my breath as five boys jumped onto the stage. I saw Niall immediately, and smiled widely as they began to sing. They’d been singing for a little over thirty seconds, and I was already mesmerized by the sounds of their voices and the lyrics of their songs. I’d never really listened to One Direction before tonight, and I finally understood what all the big fuss was about. 

“Miss Elizabeth? Any refreshments?” one of the attendants asked, and I shook my head gently. 

“No thank you,” I replied, focusing back on the concert where they were now answering questions. The question on the screen next caught my eye, and I felt my heart racing. 

“Am I dating Princess Elizabeth? And what is it like?” Niall read the question out loud into the microphone, and the crowd went crazy. 

“I am dating her actually, and it’s the same as any other girl really. Even if she wasn’t a real Princess, I’d still treat her like one. She’s really fun to be around guys and she’s super nice,” Niall smiled, looking up toward my box. That was exactly why I loved him; he didn’t treat me any different than any other normal, teenage girl. 

So I've finally updated!!! WOOHOO! I got about 75 reads, which I'm very happy with on only one chapter ya know? So since it's been so long please leave a comment. If I get a couple comments and votes I'll update too! My goal for the next update is like 115 reads maybe? Come on guys. You haven't even gotten to the good part yet! It's like 3 chapters away!!! (: 

Comment and vote please!!!! xx

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