Chapter 18

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As promised, it's been 2 days and I'm ready to update! Regardless of my exhaustion, my fans mean the world to me so here's an upload for you! Hope you enjoy (: xxx Comment and vote! I still like checking those!


Okay, carry on and read (: xx

****Niall’s POV**** 

“Alright guys. The next song is a very special song to me. I wrote this for me and a very special person I’m sure you all remember very well. This is Summer Love,” I breathed softly into the microphone before the crowd burst into cheers. Zayn started and I took a deep breath looking out at the crowd before I met a pair of eyes that made my knees go weak and my mouth go dry. 

“Cause you were mine for the summer,” I started singing keeping my eyes locked on the two eyes staring right back at mine. There was no way this was happening. 

“Hey, you okay mate?” Harry asked in my ear as he walked by me. He looked where I was looking and I saw his eyes go wide. 

“You always will be my summer love,” we finished before running off the stage for a break and change. I got backstage and just fell down onto the couch.

“Niall come on! We’ve got like two minutes!” Liam shouted and I looked at Paul who was staring at me concerned. 

“Get her a pass,” I huffed changing quickly and grabbing a drink of water. Paul frowned, but slowly nodded. 

“What’s going on?” Bailee asked worried and I shook my head. 

“It’s no big deal, I just have to see someone after the concert,” I replied running after the boys to go back on stage. 

****Elizabeth’s POV****

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. That was something my mom had told me when I was younger and now I believed it. Standing out in the audience watching Niall serenade me was something I will never forget. It was the moment I fell head over heels in love with him again. A man who looked familiar came over and handed me a pass. 

“Come with me,” he spoke in my ear and I turned to Ed. 

“I’ll meet you outside,” Edward smiled kissing my cheek before I followed the big man through mazes of halls. We got to a small room and I saw a small blonde sitting on a couch waiting the concert on a large television. 

“Bailee, this is…well,” the man spoke and Bailee spun around looking at me and her eyes grew huge. 

“Princess Elizabeth,” she breathed and I smiled at the girl. She was pretty. I could see why Niall liked her. 

“Pleasure to meet you Bailee,” I smiled taking her hand gently in my own and shaking it briefly. 

“Keep her company please Bailee until the concert’s over,” the man waved before leaving the room. I sat down across from Bailee who was evidently nervous. 

“I don’t bite,” I laughed and she looked at me blushing. 

“I just…I can't believe I'm sitting in a room with the Princess!” she exclaimed and I smiled watching the boys on the screen. 

“You’re lucky you get to do this all the time,” I whispered and Bailee frowned at me. 

“You used to be able to when you dated Niall didn’t you?” she asked and I looked at her biting my lip. So she was dating Niall. 

“I wasn’t allowed. Life as a Princess isn't as great as everyone makes it seem,” I sighed looking down at my lap. 

“So you’re dating Niall?” I asked looking at her and she shrugged with a soft chuckle. 

“I don’t know. But I do know that he’s still crazy about you. He denies it all the time, but opened up to me a few weeks ago and told me that he’s still madly in love with you. Sometimes I wish that you two could still be together,” she whispered and I felt my heart do a flip. I was so thankful Niall could date such a lovely girl. 

“I’m glad he has you Bailee. You can give him more than I ever could,” I replied and she blushed with a wide grin.

“The boys are done, you might want to move…they get pretty aggravated when they get off stage,” Bailee laughed and I stood up moving over to the side next to Bailee. I heard boys talking and it was growing louder and so was my heart beat. Niall came in the room and I took a deep breath as our eyes met. I immediately smiled and ran over hugging him. I felt his body mold into mine perfectly like it always had and I almost felt him let all his tension and pain fall. 

“I’ve missed you so much,” I whispered into his ear and he held me tighter. 

“Gimme a minute and then we’ll go out and talk,” he whispered pulling away and smiled at Bailee. 

“You met Bailee I see. She used to be our intern and manager way back when,” Niall smiled kissing her cheek and she looked disappointed but nodded. 

“Your girlfriend right?” I asked and Niall looked at me confused. 

“Yes,” he replied and I smiled nodding. Bailee looked at me with praise in her eyes and I winked quite quickly. 

“I’ll be right back Bailee, I wanna talk with Liz,” Niall whispered taking my hand and taking me up to the roof.

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