Chapter 15

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****Elizabeth’s POV**** 

I stared at the newspaper and wanted to throw it across the room, but it wouldn’t unfold out of my grip. Niall was in a car with some girl kissing her! Tears started to blur my vision and I set the paper down. 

“It’s okay babe,” Edward whispered, rubbing my back and I gritted my teeth thinking about everything. 

“He promised,” I replied angrily. I ripped the bracelet of my wrist, and the necklace off my neck and threw them off the balcony into the backyard. I screamed then broke down and cried. 

“Come inside Liz, shh. Calm down,” Ed cooed, picking me and setting me in my bed. 

“I just want to be happy,” I replied and he kissed my cheek. 

“I can make you happy,” he whispered and I looked at him. He smiled slightly and wiped my tears away. I bit my lip and wrapped my arms around his neck as I kissed him quickly. 

“I’m sorry for how I’ve acted lately. You are my fiancé after all,” I replied kissing him again and again. 

“I understand love. It’s okay,” he smiled lying next to me and he ran his fingers through my hair. 

“He isn’t worth your tears,” he whispered and I snuggled into him. I lay my head on his chest and for a moment, even though I regretted it, I pretended that it was Niall I was lying against. Niall hurt me. He was dead to me…right? 

“You scare me when you think too hard,” Edward whispered kissing the top of my head gently. 

“I’m not thinking,” I mumbled tiredly as I closed my eyes. Edward chuckled as he went to stand up. 

“Where are you going?” I asked grabbing his wrist and he turned around looking at me with amusement in his eyes. 

“I’m going home love,” he replied smiling before planting a kiss onto my lips. 

“No, stay here,” I whined batting my eyes at him. He hesitated, but fell back down next to me in bed. I smiled at him and he shook his head pinching my nose. I scrunched up my face and kissed him. 

“Get some sleep. We have wedding planning tomorrow,” he whispered against my neck and I bit my lip. While I drifted off I started to realize something…I was feeling exactly how Niall had felt when he found out about Edward. He had every right to go out with a new girl…I was with a new boy! It all clicked and it made me feel sick to my stomach. 

****Niall’s POV**** 

It had been two days since I’d heard from Bailee…it was all because of that kiss…it wasn’t supposed to happen. I was just…I don’t know. 

“Niall, Bailee’s at the door. Said she wanted to talk to you,” Harry mumbled tiredly as he stumbled into my room holding his head. 

“Have a little too much fun last night did we Harreh?” I asked nudging him as I went down the hallway to the front door. Bailee was standing there fiddling with her hands and biting her lip. 

“Hey Bay,” I spoke softly and she looked up at me and I saw her eyes smiling. 

“Hi Niall, can we talk?” she asked and I nodded taking her outside and sitting in the hotel hallway. She took a deep breath and looked at me. 

“I’ve always had a crush on you…there I said it,” she breathed and I frowned with a little laugh. She looked at me and covered her face. 

“But I know that the kiss didn’t mean anything. I mean, you still love Liz,” she continued and I just looked across the hall at the gold plated numbers on the door. 

“I still love Liz, but I can't be with her so there’s no use in me mourning over losing her. I might as well just move on with someone new….someone who’s always been there for me and apparently has had a crush on me,” I winked looking at her. Her eyes began to twinkle and she smirked at me. 

“What do you say?” I asked and she took another deep breath. 

“I’d love to, but,” she spoke eying me and I groaned. 

“Oh the dreaded but!” I exclaimed and she laughed before continuing. 

“I want us to spend more time together. I want you to make sure you really want this,” she whispered and I looked at her for a minute before nodding. 


A/N: Hola people! How is everyone?! I feel like I haven't updated in forever! So...Once this story gets up to at least 1000 votes I'm going to start posting Tiny Dancer, my fan fic that I'm going through and editing right now! The next upload for this will be at 800-850 reads? And then once we hit 1000, I'll update whenever I feel it's appropriate and really start trying to get reads on the other story!

What are your thoughts on this fic? I really love interacting with all of you and knowing what you're thinking, so please let me know what goes on while you're reading! I miss not getting as many votes and comments anymore ): 

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