Chapter 29: Epilogue

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This is it! I'm finally posting the last chapter(epilogue) of this story I've had on my computer since Christmas! Can you believe it? Half of my stories are so dated I'm questioning even uploading! My problem is that I can't stop writing so I have all these stories, but I only like uploading one story at a time! So by the time I'm uploading a story it's been on my computer for like 6 months! I'm really editing and working hard now though, so hopefully my newest story after Tiny Dancer will be a great success. I'm also considering deleting my older/not popular stories because I have too many on my page! 

Anyways, thank you all so very much for taking the time to read this and get it so many reads. It's really great to know that people are actually there reading my stuff (: Leave a comment and vote for your thoughts on the ending of Niall's Princess and what kind of stories you want from me in the future!! xx

****Elizabeth’s POV****

“Mooooom!” Savannah squealed running over into my arms. I looked down at my bouncing three year old daughter and I saw Niall running into the room with Travis draped over his shoulder. I smiled and held my daughter close to me, giving her light kisses on her head. 

“Is daddy getting you?” I whispered as Niall stood in front me, looking at me with a devilish grin. I smirked at him and watched as Travis tried to get out of his dads grip. 

“Surrender the girl or the boy gets it,” Niall eyed me and Savannah spun around looking at me with fear in her eyes. She looked at me and gave me a hug. She jumped up and Niall swooped her up onto his other shoulder. 

“Hey! Don’t you take my babies!” I exclaimed, jumping up and joining in the game. Niall smiled and winked at me before positioning himself in a “fighting” position. 

“You’ll have to catch me first momma!” he shouted taking off down the halls. Travis was trying to wriggle out of Niall’s arms and he reached out for me, laughing. 

“What’s so funny Travis?” Niall asked stopping, giving me the perfect opportunity to snatch my kids from their trickster of a father. The twins held me tightly and laughed pointing at their dad who crossed his arms and pouted. 

“You always win,” Niall whined and I kissed him quickly and set the twins down. They took off down the hallway, chasing each other now. Niall took a deep breath and pulled me close to him. He rested his forehead to mine and closed his eyes. 

“Are you going to bring them tonight?” he whispered anxiously. I just looked at his closed eyes and held his face in my hand. The twins had never seen Niall perform with the band. I didn’t want them to go so young, with all the loud music and the crazy fans. It’d been five years, and the fans were still as crazy as ever…maybe even crazier seeing as Niall was Prince of England now. The twins did question it though. After all, they did see the other boys and band members every single night for dinner anyways. 

“You want us to come?” I asked softly and he nodded, biting his lip. I kissed him quickly and sighed. 

“I’ll bring them,” I whispered and he opened his eyes, smiling excitedly. His eyes started to twinkle and he kissed my cheek before running down the hall. I frowned and went into the living room to see the twins with Niall; one twin on each knee. 

“After dinner with the family tonight, you get to come see daddy on stage!” Niall exclaimed and the kid’s faces lit up in pure excitement. I smiled and sat down by Niall.

“Alright, well they should be here in a few minutes. I’ve got dinner in fridge,” I spoke standing up, cleaning up the spare toys lying around the room. 

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