Chapter 19

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Good morning everyone (: How is everyone on this Saturday? I, for one, am exhausted and very annoyed. I'm not exactly in the best mood, but as the schedule says...I'm due for an update! I was shocked to see over 200 reads since the last chapter! That's the best feeling in the world for me! I just want people to recognize my talents! So I discovered this StumbleUpon thingy. And I put writing as an interest and it has given me a thousand different tips and advice for editing, writing, curing writer's block, and generating plots! You guys should try's been very helpful, and I've now started a journal to help my writing too!

Sorry this A/N is so long hahaha. Anyways, a lot of drama in this chapter. I'm sorry! xxx

****Niall’s POV****

“I was angry at first, but you have every right to be with her. She’s lovely Niall. I’m glad you’re happy with her,” Liz smiled at me and I sighed looking at her glowing smile. 

“How’s Edward?” I asked and she bit her lip. 

“He’s been acting strange. I don’t know what it is,” she replied with a confused frown and I smiled. 

“You aren’t the easiest person to put up with,” I joked nudging her gently and she rolled her eyes smiling at me.

“We’re going to America in two days,” I whispered feeling the sickness in my stomach return and I saw Liz tense up beside me. 

“Are you excited?” she asked and I chewed my lip for a minute before shaking my head ever so slightly.

“I’m absolutely terrified,” I breathed and she looked at me very confused. 

“Touring London wasn’t so bad. I knew that if I needed to see you or anything I could because you were never more than two hours away…but now…now I won't have that safety net in America,” I admitted and she looked at me with stun all over her face. 

“I’m only a phone call away,” she managed to choke out and I sighed leaning over the rail while peering out at the screaming fans who were crowding around the other boys who decided to have a brief signing. 

“What if I break the promise?” I asked glancing at her and she tilted her head in question. It made me want to kiss her, but I held back. 

“What if I stop loving you?” I replied simply and her eyes showed flashes of pain and hurt in the specks of brown glittering in her eyes. 

“Then you stop loving me,” she replied as if it was nothing, but I heard the sickening pain in her voice. I tapped my fingers on the rail and she took a deep breath. 

“I should go, Edward’s waiting,” she whispered kissing my cheek so softly and I sighed. 

“Please come see me before I leave,” I pleaded and she nodded gently before leaving.

****Elizabeth’s POV****

“You two good?” Ed asked while we laid in my bed and I nodded looking at him. 

“They’re going to America in two days,” I whispered, playing with his hand that was wrapped tightly around my own.

“You going to be okay?” he asked, brushing his hand along my hair and I shrugged. 

“I’m going to meet Niall at the airport at two to say goodbye,” I whispered. Edward kissed my head and sighed. 

“You know what I want to do right now? I wanna dance.”


“Of course here!”


“I don’t know, would you just come on!” Edward laughed taking my hand and taking me out onto the balcony. It was a beautiful night out. Edward twirled me around and maneuvered me all over the balcony. 

“I’m going home babe. I’ll see you later,” he whispered kissing my neck as we looked over the balcony, past the trees, out to the city of London. I turned around and kissed him quickly. 

“Bye,” I whispered as we went inside and he left. I sat on my bed and thought about how I felt being with Niall that night. My heart hadn’t raced like that in such a long time, and I hadn’t felt those sparks I felt when Niall touched me ever with Edward. I was still in love with Niall. It’d been well over four month’s and we were both infatuated with each other. I fell into my bed with tears springing out of my eyes like a broken faucet. I heard something by the window and I sat up in alarm to see Niall fall into my room holding two chains in his hands. My stomach jumped up to my throat and Niall looked at the chains. 

“Niall-,” I started, but he cut me off. He shook his head and sighed. 

“Save it Liz. I told you that you would always be MY princess. Always. You assumed that just because I kissed a girl, that I was over you. That I didn’t love you. Well I now realize that I don’t think that I'm capable of not loving you!” he screamed, throwing down the chains and I burst into tears. 

“I just wish that you wouldn’t have given up on me,” he whispered, turning away from me.

“I didn’t,” I protested through tears and he sighed. 

“I’ve gotta go,” he coughed before jumping out the window. I watched him go and I wanted to jump down and chase after him, but I had other plans.

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