Chapter 1

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Hey guys, so I know I said I wasn't going to start this story until I finished WYSM, but I only have one more chapter of that story left, and since I've been sick the last two days I've been editing this first chapter non-stop and I'm hoping that this will finally be the final copy! If you read this, please leave a comment and vote. Also tell your friends about it. I'm not putting the next chapter up until 100 reads. No ifs, ands, or buts! 


****Niall’s POV****

I knocked on the tall, golden door waiting for the guards to open it, while they glared down at me with their expressionless faces. I smiled widely at them before they stepped aside letting me through. I got inside and started whistling while I waited for Elizabeth to come down.

“I’m coming Niall!” she shouted from somewhere inside, and I chuckled a bit before looking around the huge palace. Elizabeth came down the main staircase a few moments later, all dolled up with a smile plastered on her lips.

“I missed you!” she squealed, kissing me quickly which led to me smiling like an idiot.

“I missed you too love,” I replied taking her hand and led her outside, where the guards immediately followed us to the car. As soon as we sat down in the back of the car, Elizabeth grinned at me.

“Where to?” the driver asked from the front of the car, and I cleared my throat.

“We have lunch reservations,” I replied handing the driver some papers, which contained directions to the restaurant.

“You see, this is why I love you,” she whispered with a warm smile as she kissed me again.

“Well you didn’t love me too much at first,” I mumbled jokingly, nudging her and she rolled her eyes laughing.

“I did too like you Niall! It was my parents who weren’t too fond of the idea of us dating,” she replied quietly, leaning up against me with her head resting on my shoulder.

“Well, I’m glad they decided to let me date you,” I replied softly as the car stopped. I carefully helped Elizabeth out of the car, and the guards helped us inside where people all around started snapping pictures of us. I mean, it was huge news to everyone everywhere that Niall Horan, from One Direction, was dating Elizabeth, the Princess of England.

****Elizabeth’s POV Flashback****

“Why can’t I date him?” I argued with my parents in tears as they stood over me and sighed.


“He isn’t part of Royalty Elizabeth,” my mother replied and I closed my eyes to try to stop the tears from falling.


“Who cares?! Isn’t the most important thing that I’m happy?” I cried, causing my mother to look at me with a bit of sympathy in her calm, blue eyes.

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