Chapter 28

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After 4 days of not updating, here is the final chapter of Niall's Princess before I post the epilogue!!! (: Thank you all for taking the time to read this and get it as popular as it is. Please leave comments and vote if you liked it! Depending on how many reads/votes/comments will depend on when the epilogue starts. xx

I hope you all enjoy this! I tried to make it a happy fairytale ending for all of you! xx

****Elizabeth’s POV**** 

That ring was something that I didn’t deserve. I couldn’t stop staring at it; it was absolutely stunning. The tears rolled uncontrollably down my face, and I finally let my eyes meet Niall’s. He looked so calm for some reason. I threw my arms around him and kissed him over and over again. 

“So you’ll marry me then?” Niall asked smirking and I nodded kissing him once more. 

“Of course! I want nothing more than to know we can be together forever,” I whispered, my stomach flipping as reality set in. Niall was finally mine, and I never had to lose him again!

“My parents gave you the okay?” I asked anxiously and he nodded slipping the ring onto my finger. 

“So now Niall Horan of One Direction becomes Niall Horan Prince of England!” he exclaimed happily and I just looked at him. This was going to change things for sure. 

“What’s wrong?” he asked as if reading my mind. He held my face in his soft hands, and I just shrugged. 

“What about the band?” I asked quietly before his lips pecked mine for a moment. 

“We don’t have to rush into this marriage Liz…I know we need an heir and everything else, but we’re still young,” he whispered, and I saw nothing but love and happiness in his eyes. I nodded and he smiled. 

“Just think, now we can go on vacations and everything again, and hopefully you’ll accompany me on the next few tours?” he asked spinning me around and dipping me. 

“I’m going wherever you go,” I spoke still not really believing I was engaged to the man of my dreams. He lifted me back up and held me tight to his chest. 

“You’ve been working out,” I smirked and he raised an eyebrow biting his lip. 

“I have a very observant fiancé,” he winked kissing my forehead and letting me go. I stared longingly at him while he pulled out his phone and called the boys. 

“Tell them I said no,” I whispered and Niall smiled, but nodded. He flipped the phone to speaker and I heard the boys all talking at once. 

“Hello my newly engaged friend!” Harry shouted and Niall sighed. 

“She said no…she said it wouldn’t be right,” Niall whispered softly and I heard dead silence on the other end. 

“You’re kidding right Niall?” Zayn asked hopefully and Niall sighed running a hand through his hair. 

“Why the hell would I joke about something like that?” he shouted back and I covered my mouth to stop my laughter. 

“I don’t understand…she was so into you Niall! She was madly in love with you…listen, you don’t need to be upset about this. Come on over, we’ll talk,” Liam spoke quickly and Niall glanced at me. 

“I'm not in the mood guys,” Niall replied and hung up. I burst into laughter and he did too. 

“You know I’m going to get beat up don’t you?” Niall asked kissing my cheek before shuffling inside and plopping down on my bed. 

“They’ll figure it out,” I replied flopping down next to him on the bed. He put his hands behind his head and just looked at me. 

“I get to marry you,” he smiled poking my nose, making my face scrunch up. I let my fingers graze against the soft hairs right at the start of his hair line and he sighed, closing his eyes. 

“When do you think we’ll get married?” I asked excitedly, and I watched Niall’s lips form into a smile. 

“A year or two,” he replied softly, flipping onto his side so we were facing each other again. I moaned and he kissed me gently. 

“I wanna marry you right now,” I mumbled and he kissed me once more. 

“We will get married Liz, and that’s all you need to worry about. I know you think that I’m going leave or your parents will change their minds, but it’s not going to happen. See that ring? I’m yours forever and ever now,” he reassured me and kissed my hand. Any doubts that I had were gone after that. 

“Elizabeth! Get down here!” my mom was yelling and I jumped running down the stairs to see my mom almost in tears and the other boys from One Direction standing in the room. 

“What’s going on?” I asked nervously and Liam glanced at my hand. 

“What the hell! Niall told us you said no!” Liam exclaimed, face palming himself. Niall came down a few minutes later and just stared at the boys. 

“Why I oughta,” Louis mumbled, lunging forward, but Harry held him back. 

“Oh thank goodness,” my mom sighed relieved and pulled me into a hug before holding up my hand to examine the ring. 

“Oh it’s beautiful,” she beamed and looked at Niall. 

“It was my fault, sorry boys,” I laughed running over and giving them each a kiss on the cheek. 

“I get to be the maid of honor correct?” Louis asked and I rolled my eyes laughing. I hugged him and he smiled. 

“Whatever floats your boat,” I replied and he cheered in victory. 

“First things first, who’s coming to Florida with us?” I asked and my mom eyed me. 

“What do you mean? You aren’t going to Florida anytime soon,” my mom spoke sitting next to me on the couch while everyone else crowded the room. I frowned at her and I saw her smirk. 

“Unless I get to come along,” she joked poking my side. 

“Well what are we waiting for?! Let’s get packing!” my dad exclaimed causing cheers to explode from everyone. 

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