Chapter 24

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So, here's chappie 24! We're getting into drama now! This is like a terrible reoccuring scene isn't it? Yeah, basically. I also must mention my Zerrie reference in here, because for those of you who don't know I'm a Zayn girl and I could never stand Perrie. I'm sort of over it now, but I'm still no Little Mix or Zerrie fan. But don't start hating on me, I've at least accepted her and made a NICE reference about her in theis story rather than making her some evil character. 

Comment and vote <3333 

****Elizabeth’s POV****


I dropped the bracelet in my hand again before lifting up and dropping it back down into my hand. I stopped after I was a bit calmer and I just stared at the plainness of the ceiling. I was so sick of all the mixed signals everyone was giving me. Did Niall want me here or not? 

“ARGH!” I groaned dropping the bracelet on the desk next to me, and I put my hands over my face to pretend like I didn’t exist. I could feel my hands getting wet, so I pulled them away angrily and hastily wiped away the tears drizzling down my face. I heard a knock on the door which caused me to freeze in place. I slowly stood up from the bed and made my way over to the door and peered out through the peep hole to see Edward standing outside the door patiently. I swallowed hard and let my hand rest on the door knob. I turned the knob and stood face to face with my fiancé. We stood briefly before he smiled, and I stepped out of the way to let him into the room.

“Hi,” he whispered kissing my cheek gently before examining the room. 

“Wow, nice room,” Ed laughed and I nodded with a small smile. He sat down on the bed and looked at me as if he were looking for something to say. 

“Let’s talk shall we?” he asked gesturing to the large empty spot next to him on the bed. I reluctantly sat down and glanced at him. Well here we go…lecture time. 

“How much do you love Niall?” he started and I found myself frowning. Why in the world would he care? Why was he even asking? I swear to you he was trying to get rid of me…

“I love him. Why does it matter?” I replied looking at him, curious as to what he was up to. 

“I just want to know how much you’re going to hate me once we get back,” he whispered, making me cringe. I wanted to argue, to hurt Edward, but I was giving up. There was absolutely no use in fighting with Edward or my family anymore. I’d gotten to spend my time with Niall, but it was over now. I couldn’t give up my title…I thought it was a good idea, but it’s really an unrealistic wish that I’m not bold enough to make come true. 

“Well thanks for not telling anyone,” was all I managed, standing up and going to finish up my packing. I could feel Ed’s eyes burning into my back, and it took all my energy for me not to turn around and smack him. I shook away the thought. None of this was his fault as much as it was my parents. 

“Why are you here packing and not at the venue?” Edward asked and I sighed. What was I going to say? 

“Niall told me you were coming…I had to pack,” I replied without emotion. 

“Come on Liz. You love him…there’s something going on,” he spoke trying to get anything out of me. 

“He doesn’t want me okay? He wants me to go back with you. He didn’t even say he wanted me to stay or anything, so it’s over. Let’s go home,” I held myself together just barely. 

“The concert’s starting in two hours…don’t you want to say goodbye?” Ed asked looking at me like I was stupid. I honestly couldn’t face Niall. I didn’t want to see him and have to say goodbye for the fiftieth time. I was just ready to get out here and go back to my normal life.

“No, let’s just go!” I shouted getting fed up and Edward took a deep breath. 

“At least leave him a note,” he spoke sternly and I closed my eyes. Fine, if it would get him to shut up. I grabbed a piece of the flimsy hotel paper and the chewed up pen and scribbled down a quick note. 

“Can we go now?” I asked storming out the door.

****Niall’s POV**** 

She left. That’s why she wasn’t at the concert, wouldn’t answer my calls…she was gone. I stared at the poorly written note absolutely hating myself. 


I had to leave. Sorry. Edward came and we left. It’s okay. I understand. We’ll just be friends. Have fun on tour. ~Elizabeth

I ripped up the note and I cried. I couldn’t stop either; I was so hurt and upset. I should’ve just stayed with Bailey. She was there for me, and didn’t cause all this drama. I was in love with Liz, regardless of what I said, and I didn’t want to use Bailey. 

“Niall? You okay?” Zayn asked coming in my room. I looked at him and he came over hugging me while I cried. 

“She’s gone, and she hates me,” I blubbered and Zayn just looked at me. 

“She doesn’t hate you Niall. She’s just frustrated I think. She’s angry you were so calm about Ed coming. She’s realizing that her fairytale isn’t going to happen,” Zayn whispered, patting my shoulder gently. 

“Should I…call her?” I asked, but Zayn shook his head. 

“She’s not going to be ready to talk yet,” Zayn replied as his phone buzzed. He looked down at it, and I saw him trying to hide a smile. 

“Why don’t you ever have relationship problems with Perrie?” I asked and Zayn looked at my like I was stupid or something.

“Maybe because I wasn’t dating THE PRINCESS of England,” he joked nudging me before heading out of my hotel room. I fell back on my bed and heard something jingle. I felt around next to me and picked up Liz’s bracelet. She left it? No…she must’ve forgotten it… 

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