Chapter 21

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AWH. I really like this chapter! I referenced some Disney World stuff in this chapter because in 2 weeks I'm going to be in Disney!!! I can't wait! xx


Hope y'all like this chapter! Leave a comment and a vote please? <3 xxx

****Elizabeth’s POV****

The obnoxious beeping was what brought me out of my sleep, but not enough to actually motivate me to do anything. Why wasn’t Niall answering his phone? The beeping was getting a little annoying. 

“Niall, turn off your phone,” I mumbled reaching my arm out to nudge him, but my hand landed on a soft surface…a bed. No…don’t even tell me right now that all of that was a dream. Was going to airport, was all of it a dream? I opened my eyes in alarm and that was exactly what woke me up; an alarm. Wait…that wasn’t an alarm that was my phone! I pulled out my phone and fumbled with it before answering it. 

“Elizabeth?” I heard Edward breath worried and I panicked. 

“Oh Liz, you’re awake,” Niall spoke with a smile, entering the room. His smile immediately fell once he saw me on the phone. 

“Hi Ed,” I began, and I heard him laugh nervously, but more relieved sounding. 

“Where the hell are you? People are looking for you everywhere!” he yelled into phone. I didn’t know what to say; I was absolutely speechless. Was I going to tell Ed? Yeah…I pretty much had to. 

“I’m with Niall,” I replied. It was true, I was with Niall. Niall sat next to me, holding my hand tightly with his own shaking hand. 

“Oh thank God, alright well come…wait,” Edward spoke and I held my breath waiting for whatever was going to come out of my fiancés mouth next. 

“I thought Niall was going to the USA Elizabeth,” Edward spoke more like he knew rather than asking me a question. 

“Well…uhm…he did,” I whispered, squishing my eyes shut while I braced myself for whatever was going to happen next. Nothing happened for a few minutes. 

“Why didn’t you just tell me Liz?” Edward asked sounding hurt. I was surprised at his response and I started to stammer. 

“I-I didn’t kn-know,” I tried to make any sort of sense and I heard Edward sigh. 

“I’ll tell everyone you’re okay and that you just need a little time to yourself. I’m gonna come and pick you up in a few days,” he whispered softly. 

“You’re letting me stay?” I gasped, standing up and going out to the balcony and leaning out. 

“Of course I am Liz. Remember what I told you from the beginning? It wasn’t a joke, and it wasn’t just me trying to get you on my good side,” he laughed sympathetically. My heart tightened in confusion. Edward was being so faithful to me, and I was off trying to maintain an impossible relationship with a boy I shouldn’t still love. 

“Have fun okay Liz? Don’t stress out about this. Call me if you need anything,” Edward said quickly before I heard a click. I stood there with the phone still on my ear, trying to comprehend what had just happened. I closed my eyes and set the phone down next to me while I felt a hand resting gently on the small of my back. 

“Everything okay?” Niall asked, his blue eyes twinkling in question. I pulled his head down so our lips could meet. Niall immediately pushed his lips onto mine while moving his hands down to my hips, and I pressed my hands against his chest, pretending that everything was going work out in my favor. 

“Everything’s perfect,” I whispered letting my hand move up to his hair. He grabbed my hand gently and brought it down to his lips. All I could do was stare into his eyes hoping that this wasn’t all a dream. 

“Let’s go, we’re going to Disney World,” Niall grinned at me and I frowned. I’d vaguely heard of Disney, but didn’t really remember what it was. Niall took a deep breath and took me back into the room, flicking on the TV. 

“The happiest place on Earth,” Niall quoted along with the continuous documentary running on the hotel TV. 

“We’re going there?” I exasperated, jumping up and pointing at the TV. Niall nodded happily while I continued to stare longingly at the TV. 

“We haven't got all day! Let’s go!” I exclaimed, pulling on Niall’s arm.

****Niall’s POV**** 

“Liz, we’ve ridden it three times already! We still have to go on the rollercoaster’s and stuff,” Louis whined when Liz begged to ride the teacups “one more time”. Liz shot me her big, puppy dog eyes and I crossed my arms looking at her.

“I told you pouting doesn’t work on me,” I smirked while walking toward her. 

“Oh please Niall! It’s my first and probably last time here,” she pleaded, intertwining her fingers with mine. She did put up a pretty good argument…and damn it she was so attractive. 

“Alright. ONE more time,” I spoke causing her to jump around excitedly and Louis and Harry to groan. 

“She’s still the Princess of England mind you,” Liam scolded Louis and Harry. I chuckled hopping in a teacup with Liz again. 

“Okay, we have to spin faster than Zayn and Liam this time,” Liz spoke quickly, glaring over at the two boys who were plotting as well. I turned to Liz and nodded. The ride began and Liz smirked as she started to turn the wheel as fast as she possibly could. By the end of the ride, I think all of us had spun ourselves silly. 

“Let’s go on something a little calmer,” Zayn mumbled and I agreed. Louis groaned once more looking at me for help. 

“How about we go to the Haunted Mansion?” I asked and Harry glowered at me. 

“That’s fun for you because you have your girlfriend with you. I vote we go on Space Mountain,” Harry butted in. Liz just laid against me, up for whatever we wanted to do. 

“Space Mountain it is then!” Liam approved as we trampled over each other to reach the building.


“Can we live here please?” Liz asked softly as we walked through the lit up park to Cinderella’s castle. It was one of the most magical moments. Liz and I stood near the front as the fireworks began to shoot off in the sky. I was mesmerized by the colors and bright lights, but when I turned to look at Liz, I saw that she had tears in her eyes. 

“What’s wrong? Are you okay?” I asked quickly and she burst into tears and laughter. 

“This is the most fun I’ve ever had in my entire life, and I wish it never had to end,” she replied as the firework show stopped. I pulled her into a hug and just held her there. 

“Thank you,” she blubbered into my neck. I pulled back and looked at her with a smile. 

“I love you,” she whispered, kissing me right as the castle color changed to a light blue. She pulled away just staring at me. I took her hand firmly and we slowly made our way out of the park, and back to our hotel. Once we got into the room Liz stumbled over to the bed and collapsed. I stood over her and watched her sleep for a little while, and then decided to tuck her in. I lifted up her fragile body and slid her under the blankets. I ran my hand over her forehead and kissed her cheek. 

“I love you babe, sleep well,” I whispered, and then left the room to go see what the boys were up to in their rooms. 

“Niall, you’re gonna wanna see this,” Zayn swallowed hard, making me grow cautious. 

“Why? What is it?” I asked scurrying over to Zayn’s TV and plopping in front of it with the other boys. I saw Liz and me kissing in front of the castle and reporters going crazy. 

“This isn’t okay,” Liam growled, shutting the TV off. I knew I was in for it now. 

“You two are in love, and nobody should be getting in the way of it,” Liam spat. I was shocked. 

“You know what, Liam’s right. Gimme that phone,” I shouted confidently.

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