Chapter 8

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****Elizabeth’s POV****

By the end of the night I was hanging on Niall so I wouldn’t pass out. 

“Come on angel. Let’s get you up to bed,” Niall whispered pressing gentle kisses to my forehead and cheeks. He lifted me up and took me upstairs. 

“No. They’ll get mad,” I mumbled and Niall kissed my forehead once more. 

“I already talked to your parents. They’re fine with it,” he replied and I nodded resting up against him. He took me to my room and he helped me out of the dress and into some sweats and a t-shirt. He helped me into bed and kissed me quickly. 

“Happy Birthday,” he whispered kissing me one more time before I passed out into a deep sleep. 


“Nah, she’s still sleeping. Can you blame her?” I heard Niall’s accent thick in the morning and I smiled propping myself up on my elbow and looking at him. He grinned and winked before going back to his phone call. I laid back down and took a deep breath. 

“Hey, I’ll see you later okay? Yeah. Okay. Bye,” Niall spoke before coming over and plopping down next to me. 

“Sleep well?” he asked brushing a stray piece of hair out of my eyes. 

“I guess. I’m sore and feel gross,” I croaked and he laughed kissing my nose quickly. 

“I better go take a shower,” I groaned and he pouted. 

“Hurry,” he complained and I pushed him as I stood up and once again made my way to the bathroom and cleaned myself up. I came back out and Niall was flipping my new tiara around in his hands. 

“It’s very pretty,” Niall grinned setting it back on the shelf and I looked at it suspiciously. 

“Come on. Where are you taking me today?” I asked holding out my hand and Niall laughed taking my hand and taking me downstairs. 

“Where do you two think you’re going?” my mom asked and I looked at her confused. What was her problem?

“We’re going out for lunch mom,” I replied and she just stared at me like I was mental. 

“You can't just go out anymore Liz,” she sighed setting down her book and standing up so she was in front of me. 

“We’re just going out for a small lunch,” I whispered feeling powerless and upset. 

“This is the last time,” she warned and I pulled Niall out the door. Something was wrong and I didn’t like it. 

“Alright calm down,” Niall whispered as I broke down and he held me tightly. 

****Niall’s POV**** 

“I don’t want this role Niall,” she whined at the café and I sighed wishing I could say something to make it all better, but I couldn’t. 

“It’s all going to be okay in the end Liz,” I whispered and she looked at me. 

“I wanna go to your flat. We can go back to my house for dinner later,” Liz demanded and I looked at her nervously. 

“I'm eighteen. I can do whatever I want,” she snapped standing up and heading for the door. I sighed and chased after her. We got in the car and I directed the driver to my flat. 

“Are you sure about this?” I asked and she nodded falling into me. I took a deep breath and kissed her head. We got to my flat and I saw that the other boys were here. This was gonna be fun. Liz was already in tears as it was. I opened the door and the boys all grinned at me. 

“Well how was-,” Harry started until he saw Liz hanging on my shoulder in tears. 

“Holy shit you brought the Princess here?” Louis squeaked and I rolled my eyes before taking Liz to my room. 

“Just relax for a minute love,” I whispered kissing her and she nodded curling up into my bed. I went back out and the boys were chatting like mad. 

“What’s wrong with her?” Liam asked immediately and I sat down running a hand through my hair. 

“Her whole life has flipped 360 degrees in a matter of a day,” I replied and Liam stood up. 

****Elizabeth’s POV**** 

I looked around Niall’s room just wishing I could live here with him. He didn’t have to give a care about what anyone thought. I heard a knock on the door and I sat up.

“Hi, can I get you anything?” Liam asked softly coming in and I shook my head wiping my eyes. 

“My life changed too. The moment I got put in the band. It wasn’t something I wanted to accept right away, but I knew I had to. I understand how you’re feeling and I’m here for you,” Liam whispered and I looked at him smiling through more tears. I pulled him into a hug and barely got out a thank you. 

“But you got to choose. I didn’t get to choose. My whole childhood and life has been controlled,” I whimpered and he nodded. 

“I know. But, you’ve had fun haven't you?” he asked and I thought about it. He was right. I did have a lot of fun. And that didn’t mean I couldn’t still have fun right? Just because I had more responsibilities didn’t mean my life was over. 

“Thank you Liam,” I smiled kissing his cheeks before I stood up and went into the living room where everyone was arguing. 

“Oh Liz, you okay?” Niall asked as I sat next to him. I nodded and saw Louis was holding something and swinging it madly. 

“What are you guys doing?” I asked curiously and Harry grinned at me. 

“You’ve never played a Wii?” he asked surprised and I shook my head. 

“Get this girl a remote!” Zayn demanded and I laughed before a weird looking white remote plopped into my hand.

A/N: Wow I'm so nice and never put any drama in the chapters. Well bad news, from here on out drama, drama, and more drama. So be ready! 

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