Chapter 9

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****Niall’s POV**** 

“Thanks for letting me hang out guys! See you around,” Liz waved happily as we loaded back into my car and headed back to her palace for dinner. She held my hand and played with it as we drove along quietly. 

“Do you think-,” I started, but she shook her head. 

“No,” she replied and I sat back not saying anymore as I let nervousness take over my body. I didn’t fear much though. I mean they saw how much Liz and I loved each other. Surely they were just going to give a stern talking to.

“You ready?” I asked looking at Liz who was playing with the ends of her hair. She nodded biting her lip and I helped her out of the car. I took her hand tightly and gave her a kiss before focusing on her eyes. 

“No matter what, I love you Liz and I’m gonna be right by your side the whole time,” I whispered and she broke into a small smile before kissing me once more. 

“I love you so much,” she burst before she opened the door and we stepped inside. We went into the dining hall and were met by four glaring eyes. 

“Nice of you two to join us,” her mom spoke and Liz sighed. 

“How was lunch?” she urged on and Liz smiled. 

“It was a lot of fun,” Elizabeth replied and her mom smiled as we began eating. 

“How’s the band Niall?” her dad piped in and I grinned thinking about the new album. 

“We’re doing great,” I replied with a wide smile. The dinner carried on with small questions and talk and once we finished I was ready to leave, but then the lecture began. 

“Now we need to talk to you both. What you two did was wrong and you both should know better than that! Now we understand you’re both teenagers and want to live in the moment, but sometimes you have to be careful. Now, we’re glad that Elizabeth got to experience a real relationship, but in reality, it can’t continue,” her mom spoke and I stared at her as she continued. 

“The fact is that we have a marriage already arranged for Elizabeth. We let you two date for a few months, but now that Elizabeth is eighteen she needs to start planning for a wedding as soon as possible. I know you’ll both understand that you two can't see each other anymore,” her mom concluded and I couldn’t move, or speak. I was just sitting there like I was in a dream. No way was this happening… 

“We love each other!” Elizabeth shrieked standing up and throwing her napkin to the floor in pure rage. 

“You’re children! You don’t possibly know what love is,” her mom shot back and Elizabeth screamed. 

“That’s enough Elizabeth. This is finished. I’m sorry Niall,” she spoke taking her husband out of the dining room. I looked at Elizabeth who was sitting on the floor in tears. I managed to stand up and I fell down next to her. I pulled her into my arms tightly and we both just cried. 

After a few minutes I forced myself to stand up and take Liz up to her room. We both fell onto her bed still crying and clinging to each other. 

“Let’s run away,” she whimpered into my shirt and I kissed her head. 

“I wish it were that simple,” I whispered holding her like my life depended on it. 

“Maybe it’s just a dream,” she cried and I squeezed my eyes tight to stop the tears from falling. 

“There’s nothing we can do about it Liz,” I replied reluctantly and she squeezed me tightly. 

“It’s Edward. I know it is. And he isn’t going to love me like you do,” she complained angrily through more tears as I turned off the light. 

“Nobody will ever love you like I do,” I replied, angry that some other man was just going to come in here, take my girlfriend, and treat her like dirt just for her royalty. 

****Elizabeth’s POV****

Going to sleep that night was absolutely dreadful. I didn’t want to fall asleep because I knew that the next day would mean I’d have to permanently lose Niall as my boyfriend. We stared at each other for hours just whispering quietly or kissing. 

“I’m going on tour in a month,” Niall whispered at one point and I felt myself stiffen. He kissed my head and fresh tears raced down my cheeks. 

“No, you can't leave me!” I exclaimed really praying this whole day was just one big, unhappy dream. He held me tighter and shushed me. 

“It’ll only be for a few months,” he replied as if it were nothing. 

“In a few months I’ll be married,” I squirmed and he kissed me powerfully. I could taste the pain and fear on his lips and I pulled away. 

“It doesn’t matter. I’m never going to stop loving you. Ever,” he cried which only made me cry more. 

“I still wanna be your Princess,” I whimpered and he kissed my head. 

“You always will be my Princess,” he replied holding up my bracelet so I could see the charms. I smiled sadly before I snuggled closer to him. I wished time could stop so I could stay there lying with Niall and him whispering sweet nothings into my ear all night like he was doing trying to cheer me up and make it all seem okay, even though I knew he was hurting just as bad as I was.

“I sort of wish my parents hadn’t let us date. If they hadn’t, this wouldn’t hurt so much,” I whispered and he sighed. 

“We can still be friends,” he spoke and I bit my lip to stop the tears from falling once more against my raw cheeks. That was the second time he’d told me that, but this time he was right. That was all we could ever be.

A/N: So there you have it! Elizabeth and Niall are over and Elizabeth has to start planning for her wedding! What do you think is going to happen next?!

I'm actually quite pleased with the feedback, reads, and votes I'm getting on this story (: It's fantastic!!! Keep spreading the word! xxx

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