Part 4

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The teens talked in private about what they do next. "We probably won't ever see our friends again." Ben said and the others nodded in agreement "Plus, we're used to living and using our our dinosaur forms." Kenji said and Darius felt like using his dinosaur form to stretch but he decided not to.  "Our family might ask us a lot of questions, and some time we might have to reveal our forms." Darius said and he got up to get some sleep, he sat down in a chair and his eyes closed and he heard the other campers either lie down in a bed or sleep in a chair.

Darius woke up the next morning the sun shining in his face and he groaned when he got up, he looked over his friends who were still asleep. Darius got up and walked up to the window and looked out over the air port and he went to go wash his face in the bathroom and he saw his reflection, it was his dinosaur form. Darius blinked and his reflection went back to his human form and he washed his face the cold water waking him up fully.  Darius walked back over to the others.

*meanwhile  on Nublar*

Grimlock got up for the day and looked over at the places were darius, Ben, and kenji used to sleep but in their place was Ben's new spear, Darius' dinosaur book, and Kenji's pair sunglasses and he sighed and got up and walked over to Maisie, Zach, and Gray and he asked Zach who was now his second in command "So what on activity list?" and Zach replied "Requiem and Toro are on patrol, limbo and Chaos are looking for supplies, and everyone else is here." Zach replied to his  leader. Grimlock sighed and sat down and ate a few berries.

*back with the campers*

Darius looked at his food not hungry and he thought of Toro and Chaos, "Something wrong Darius?" Brandon asked and Darius replied "Nothings wrong, I just grew attached to the island." Brandon nodded in respect and went back to eating his scrambled eggs. Ben meanwhile stood talking to Yaz, their parents talking "I already miss bumpy, and my dinosaur form." Ben said in a whiny tone trying to keep up the act. Yaz nodded in agreement she also missed being a Mamenchisaurus, since she would have no problems besides eating and watching where she stepped.

author note:

fourth chapter done, and now my back hurts from being pile dived by my brother, anyways i hope you enjoy this new chapter.

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