Part 18

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Darius grumbled as it continued to rain and he was drenched and he shook his head in his naustoceratops form. He never hated the rain so much in his life, he then looked over at his teammates and saw they were fast asleep. Darius sighed and closed his eyes to get some rest as well. When he was woke up the sun was shining in his face and he yawned and blinked repeatedly as the sun got in his eyes. "Alright everyone, get up." Darius says and Ben grunted as he stood up and said "It looks like it's 8 am." Brooklynn got up followed by Amber and Kevin. Soon all the campers were awake and well rested and Darius said "Let's get moving, the longer we stay here the more a of target we become." The campers then got moving hut Darius then heard the sound of cars and he looked out and saw a highway "How did we not notice this?" Darius asked Ben and he said "Maybe we were to tired to notice?" Darius then continued on with the group until they came to a dirt road and Darius checked left and right before crossing but he then heard the sound of a car approaching. Darius turned and looked at it, he glared right at the head lights in his naustoceratops form squinting as the lights went in his eyes. He then watched as the front doors for the driver side and passenger side opened, Brandon and Darius' mom stepped out the of car and  "Darius?" Brandon asked looking at Darius and the naustoceratops nodded. He then bellowed and the other campers emerged from the forest.

Ben at first was on edge having lost his trust in normal people after what InGen did to him and his friends. "Where have you kids been?" Darius' mom asked and Darius sighed and he said "We were taken, by the exact people who turned us into dinosaurs." Brandon then noticed the amount of bruises and scars covered the campers, "Did they put you into a fighting arena?" Brandon asked and Darius replied "Kinda like that..." Darius said trailing off and he shifted back to his human form and hugged Brandon. "We should be heading back." Kevin said and the others agreed "Wait, there's only severn seats." Ben said counting the seats requiem then said "Plus we can't shrink down to fit inside as well." That's when a semi truck pulled up "So that's where we'll be put?" Toro asked and Darius translated what he had said.

Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 3: homecoming Where stories live. Discover now