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The sun rose over isla Nublar and a Brachiosaurus with the variation seen in 2001 lowered its head into the water of the watering hole and drank from it and it lifted its head out of the water and looked to its right and three more of the massive sauropods came to join it. A small group of Styracosaurus and Pachyrhinosaurus grazed nearby on the grass and ferns littering the ground while six Ouranosaurus were drinking near the Brachiosaurus while an Allosaurus approached the water and drank from it. Three stegosaurus then lay in the sun resting while another kept watch, but all of the herbivores attention was drawn to Darius, Brooklynn, and Kenji charging out of the tree line towards the water being chased by Ben and Sammy and the five ran under the tail of a full grown Mamenchisaurus which was passing by and the massive sauropod looked at them but continued on "Last one to the water is a rotten dinosaur egg!" Darius called out to his friends and Brooklynn said in reply "I think that last one will be Yaz." However Brooklynn corrected herself when she saw Yasmina emerge from the tree-line closest to the watering hole and the other five Campers skidded to a halt at the edge of the water while Yasmina was drinking from it already "How, what and where." Darius said in confusion to the already drinking Yasmina who lifted her head up and said with a smug expression on her face "It's called leaving early dino nerd." Darius sighed and then said "I thought we all agreed not to call me that anymore." Yasmina chuckled and said "I had both of my fingers crossed." Darius sighed and began to drink from the water and Kenji followed suite along with Ben and Sammy while Brooklynn stood next to Darius on the opposite side of him. After drinking their fill the Campers headed off with Sammy and Kenji making jokes and puns about eggs until Darius stopped when he noticed an egg on the ground and he shifted and picked it up "It's an egg, what is it doing here all alone?" Darius asked and Brooklynn shrugged and Darius climbed onto Ben's back "So now I'm your personal ridding dinosaur now?" Ben asked sarcastically and Darius just ignored him and they continued on.

Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 3: homecoming Where stories live. Discover now