Part 16

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Ben pulled his fist back and he punched the wall connecting to Kenji's cell and he grabbed his hand in pain. Kenji then punched the wall as well and the two would take turns slamming their fists into the wall connecting their cells. 2 hours went by and Ben looked at the wall which only had a few dents on the wall they were punching. "Not even a crack." Ben said looking at the wall in pain, he muscles sore from the punching. "It'll take so long to break out of this, and we can't shift without getting darted." Kenji said through the wall and Ben slumped down against the wall. A tray of food was pushed into Ben's cell and he looked at it and sighed it was potato's, Steak, cheese, and lettuce. Ben growled as he ate a leaf or lettuce. Meanwhile Yaz groaned as she stood in her cell, there was next to no room to stretch her legs or arms. She pulled on her collar but she couldn't even get it to budge, she grumbled under her breath in anger. Yaz then charged into the door and she bounced off the door. "Ow." Yaz moaned in pain as she clutched her shoulder, it was dislocated. Amber but a scratch mark on the wall with her claw of how many days she had been in the cell, she then started singing to herself while Kevin in the next cell over slammed his body into the door, unlike Yaz he was used to bashing into objects since he used to play football. But he knew he would break his arm if he wasn't careful, Robertson who was on patrol with Nick stopped at Kevin's cell and the two looked in to see their formal friend slamming his body into the door.

An idea popped into Robertson's head and he pressed a button and Kevin was shocked as the two entered "Well hello there old friend." Nick said cracking his knuckles, Kevin was to weak to fight back and he could only close his eyes as his old friend slammed his fists into Kevin's body. Amber then looked up at as she heard Kevin yell in pain and something took over her body and she broke out of the cell and tackled Robertson who had his back turned to her and Kevin cracked his knuckles as the shocking stopped and he punched Nick in the face knocking him out and the two closed the cell after they left leaving Nick and Robertson locked inside. They then checked every cell, some held dinosaurs, others held mutants, and some even held shifters. But then they stopped once they looked in one cell and saw Yaz and she looked like she was in pain and when Kevin broke the cell keypad Yaz got up and hugged the two with her good arm and cried as she said "It was terrible for what they did." Kevin just stroked her hair and Amber relocated Yaz's shoulder.

"Where are the others?" Kevin asked and Darius called out from his cell "Kevin? Yaz? Was that you?!" Kevin then broke the keypad and the two hugged as good friends.

Author note:
Sorry for the late chapter, I've been preoccupied with other things recently. I'll try my best to release as many chapters as I can. Anyways how will the campers escape InGens base? Find out next time on


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