Part 17

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Darius shifted into his naustoceratops form and charged straight into the gate that connected the sector he, Kevin, Amber, and Yaz were held to the next sector over. A few dinosaurs charged out and a stegosaurus broke the key pads to five cells and the prisoners escaped and fled into the wilderness while Ben broke out of his cell and looked as the last of the dinosaurs stampeded into the wilderness and he called out "Darius!" Darius then turned to face him and the two hugged each other. The campers then looked as the others arrived and they destroyed their collars and shifted and escaped the laboratory and into the wilderness and after getting about 47 miles away from InGen's laboratory and they looked over the valley and saw the escaped dinosaurs already take refuge. Toro ran up to the kids followed by everyone else who were dinosaurs and Allied with the campers. "So you kids caused the break out?" Toro asked looking at them and they nodded.

"I want to have a rematch against Alice, that bitch is going to get a pounding." Requiem snarled and Toro nodded and said "Its clear that whoever runs ingen now no long cares about humanity or dinosaurs." Darius shivered as he remembered looking at the injured prisoners who had scars lining their bodies and sometimes even open wounds. "But now we're free from that prison." Toro said and Darius nodded while Limbo and Chaos showed up. "Let's go home." Darius said and the campers shifted into their dinosaur forms and Darius followed last. They trudged through the rain forest for two days now and Darius glanced at Brooklynn who just collapsed "Brooklynn, don't give up." Darius said while helping her stand "I know, but we've been walking for to long, and my feet hurt." Darius then sighed and said "We should rest here." The campers then lied down to rest and Ben asked"Are we going to go like this for much longer? Because I can't go on like this." Darius then replied "No, I don't think so." Kenji grumbled as it began to rain.

Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 3: homecoming Where stories live. Discover now