Part 7

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Darius yelped as Brooklynn applied rubbing alcohol to his leg "darius sit still." Brooklynn said holding Darius by the arm and Darius tried to escape her grasp but she didn't let go as she put the last dab of rubbing alcohol on his leg  and she started to wrap bandages around his leg and Darius nearly escaped her grip but Ben grabbed him from under the shoulders keeping him in place "Darius, this for your own good, or do you want to get your leg cut off?" Ben asked and Darius stayed still and grumbled under his breath. "We should tell our parents about this." Sammy said to Kenji who nodded and Darius replied "Maybe, but my family now knows of our powers." Brandon was still shook up about his little brother turning into a powerful ceratopsian "I think you should, you can't keep it a secret forever." Brandon spoke up and Darius agreed.

*meanwhile on Nublar*

Requiem felt something hit him and he looked and saw a tranq dart in his neck and the large carnivore fell over asleep. "He'll be one of the first dinosaurs to be relocated onto the mainland." a voice said and Requiem was loaded into a transport cage followed by the other dinosaurs allied with the campers, but Blue evaded capture and ran off to the campers remnants. "Grimlock!" Blue shouted as she approached the tree house and Grimlock replied 'What is it blue?" Blue replied "requiem and the otehrs were just captured!"

*back with the campers*

The campers and their parents stood in a clearing "Kenji why did you call us all out?" Mr. kon asked and Kenji replied "To show you something." Kenji then shifted into his stegosaurus form infornt of his parents and when his front legs hit the ground it knocked his parents off their feet "Sorry." Kenji quickly said and they could understand him as if he were still human. Ben gulped and shifted into his ankylosaurus form and looked at his parents and Mr. Pincus was actually impressed  by his son's dinosaur form. "I suggest you stand back." Yaz said and her parents stepped back and She shifted into her Mamenchisaurus and looked down at them. Brooklyn shifted infornt of her parents and they looked at her colours. Sammy shifted into her Sinoceratops form and her mom said "I would like to see old bruiser take ya on now."  Sammy shivered remembering the bull that nearly killed her sister. Darius finally shifted in his dinosaur form. "Their something else we would like to reveal." Darius said and he and Brooklynn shifted to their human form and kissed and Darius' family and Brooklynn's family jaws dropped "You two are dating?" Brandon asked and Darius nodded and he and Brooklynn held hands. Brooklynn's parents accepted that she was in a relationship with Darius. But then the campers heard a familiar roar as Toro came charging out of the jungle a net on his face. "Get this net off my face." Toro said shacking his head wildly.

Darius approached slowly and pulled the net off the poor carnotaurs face and he said "Is this a bad time?" Toro asked looking at the campers parents "Is that.... an actual dinosaur?" Mr pincus asked and Darius nodded and Brooklynn's mom nearly fainted. "Let me guess, they can't understand me." Toro said and Darius asked "Can everyone other then the other kids understand him?" The parents shook their heads "Darius, me and the other dinosaurs in your group got smuggled onto here." Toro said and Darius looked at him and replied "We need to make sure they don't sure someone or themselves."

Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 3: homecoming Where stories live. Discover now