Part 9

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Darius as at ease since he was lying against Toro who was sleeping soundly in his families new house garage. Brandon peaked his head in just as Darius was falling asleep and Brandon slowly closed the door. But then Brandon heard a gun load behind him and he turned around to see a person holding a gun to his face "Hello Brandon." The person said and Darius woke up and tore open the door to see Kevin holding a desert eagle to his brothers face and he tackles Kevin and the two roll out into teh backyard and they shift into their forms and charge at each other and Brandon watches as Darius in his Naustoceratops locks horns with a emerald green triceratops with black stripes covering it's back and a tan underbelly. darius being less experienced at combat gets knocked through the fence and into the forest behind the house. Brandon chased after them on foot with a flashlight and he picks up the desert eagle and ran off. 

Bellows from Darius and Kevin echo through the forests as they clashed. Darius dodged one of Kevin's charges and he countered with a tail swipe but he never saw a pachyrhinosaurus charge him and send him flying into a tree making it fall over. Darius groaned in pain when a bullet hits Kevin in the frill and the two ceratopsians turned to face Brandon who gulps and runs off and the two give chase after him and darius gets up and charges after them and he gets infornt of Brandon who slides under him and he makes the two ceratopsians stop and he starts to fight them in a 2 vs 1 but Kevin knocks him over and the pachyrhinosaurus makes a log fall on top of him, trapping Darius. Toro got up and slinked into the backyard and he saw teh fight and he charged off and he found Darius stuck under a log "What happened?!" Toro asked and Darius replied "Kevin.... Brandon being chased." Darius said weakly and Toro said "Stay here, I'll get Brandon." Darius nodded weakly as Toro charged off.

Toro saw Kevin and max (The pachyrhinosaurus) circling Brandon at the base of a rock and he Roared getting the two herbivores attention and he Charged slamming into Max making him shift back to his human form and he falls to the ground unconscious while Toro and Kevin duel. Toro grabbed Kevin by the horn and tossed him away and Kevin got up along with Mx and they retreated and Brandon climbed down and threw the gun onto the ground and Toro crushed it and they returned to Darius and Helped him get up "I'm oaky D." Brandon said to Darius who calmed down.

Author note:

InGen will continue to fail to assassinate Darius, how will this effect the others/ find out next time 

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