Part 6

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There was two mistakes Darius and his family made this night 1) Never go off the trail and 2) don't make a fire near a dinosaur shapeshifters territory. "Brandon, take mom and go, I'll hold the carnotaurus back." Darius told Brandon who looked at him confused until Darius shifted into his naustoceratops form and rammed the carnotaur making it back up and the carnivores jaws clamped onto Darius' horn but he flipped it over and onto the fire burning the carnivore but also putting the fire out. Brandon watched as the carnotaur got the upper hand and bit Darius on the neck and knocked him over, Brandon closed his eyes as Darius let out a roar in pain and his mother screamed. Brandon opened his eyes to see an ankylosaurus smashing its tail into the ground and bellowing at the carnotaurus and the therapod charged the ankylosaurus but the armoured dinosaur smashed it into a fallen over tree "you guys came." Darius said weakly as Kenji helped him stand "Well your our leader." Kenji said jokingly.

Sammy rammed through another fallen tree and the carno roared and retreated. Darius and the others realized that Brandon and Darius' mom were still here "Well that's just prime." Darius said looking at his family. The campers shifted into their human forms and Darius winced in pain and looked at his leg which had a bite mark in it. "I'm going to feel that in the morning." Darius said and Brandon asked "Wait...... so all 6 of you can become dinosaurs?" The campers nodded and Darius shifted back into his dinosaur form and motioned for his family to get on. Brandon held onto Darius' neck and Darius sped off with the campers Yaz was riding on Ben's back until they got to the tree line and Darius rolled his pants sleeve down and he leaned on Brooklynn's shoulder.

Author note:
Six chapters are done, how will the other campers parents react to their children's powers? Find out next time

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