Part 3: coming home part 2

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The 6 campers entered the clearing and they saw coast guard members calling out their names "It's a rescue party." Ben said and one guard spotted them and they stepped out "You kids get on board now." A guard said with a heavy Spanish accent and they got on board. Requiem charges out of the tree line and the coast guard opened fire on him and the bullets bounced off his scales and requiem raised an eyebrow. The guard retreated inside and Requiem roared but to the campers they heard "Nnnnoooo!!!!" Darius looked out and saw his last moments of Isla nublar, the land of the dinosaurs. Ben looked at the cliff which was not far and he saw Requiem and Toro roaring at the helicopter before walking off.

When the helicopter returned to the mainland of coast rica Darius saw his brother Brandon and he hugged his brother and he hugged him back hard "Me and my cracked spine are happy to see you as well." Darius said in pain and his brother let him go "Me and mom were so worried about you." Brandon said to Darius while Kenji and his parents were talking. Darius and his friends knew they had to keep their powers, Darius and Brooklynn's relationship and many other things hidden from their family. "Hey mom and dad." Ben said trying to act like he used to and his parents hugged him having been worried to death about him.

The campers did one final group hug knowing that this might be the last time they might see each other.

*Meanwhile on nublar*
"What do you mean they were taken?!" Grimlock asked confused that Darius being a powerful warrior was so easily captured. "The helicopter took them to who knows where." Requiem said and Grimlock now knew that leadership was thrust upon him now that Darius, the team leader was gone. "Me need to think alone." Grimlock said and he went to try and fix his damaged mind and memories. Toro slumped to the ground, his friends, his family was now separated.

*meanwhile back with the campers*
"All flights are canceled until the storm passes." Ben said looking at the flight chart and all flights were cancelled. Darius leaned back in his chair bored out of his mind "So what dinosaurs were on nublar?" Brandon asked and Darius replied "To many to count." Ben meanwhile sighed after putting on the third layer of hand sanitizer. "We were chased on the island by a carnotaurus named Toro." Sammy lied to her parents and she looked at Darius and he sighed "Can we go somewhere else other then here?" Darius finally asked and the others agreed and got on the bus. Ben looked out the window and swore he a dinosaur, but he thought he was just seeing things.

Author note:
The campers are stranded apart from each other, how will they adapt to living back in the city and around other people and will Grimlock be able to live up to Darius' legacy?


Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 3: homecoming Where stories live. Discover now