Part 10

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Yasmina woke up hearing her parents Rental car start beeping and she looked out her window to see Requiem sniffing her parents car and Yaz gest out of her bed in her pajamas with her hair down and she runs outside and Requiem looks at Yaz "Requiem what are you doing here?" Yaz asked and Requiem replies "Looking at this strange rock." Yaz facepalmed and said "Well be quiet about it, you could wake up the whole neighborhood." Requiem then saw Yaz's parents walk out and he looked at the broom curiously until Yaz's mom smacks him on the nose with it and he backs away and his tail hits the trash cans making them crash to the ground. Requiem snarled and readied to kill Yaz's mom but Yaz got in front of Requiem and he stopped himself. "Just tell your mom not to hit me in the face with whatever that is." Requiem said rubbing his snout with his arm and he looked at the open garage and he entered and curled up to sleep as Yaz and her family went back into the house to sleep.

*meanwhile at InGen*

a large therapods foot hit the ground and a familiar roar is heard and Alice slashes at InGens leader in his Charcodontosaurus form but he rammed her and knocked her off her feet "You're exposing your torso to much." the leader stated as Alice got up an charged him and slashed at him but he dodges "Now you're putting to much weight on your right leg."  He pointed out Alice'[s flaws and he tripped her "Why can't i fight like i used to?!" Alice asked furious about her fighting style and slammed her fist into a shipping container. Kevin watched from the viewing window and he said "How can we even trust that beast?" and Jacob replied "We can't." Robertson gulped and remembered Alice nearly killing him while he was fleeing with the other pterosaurs.

author note:

Alice is back, how will teh campers react to Alice returning? find out next time.

Camp Cretaceous Jurassic sized problem book 3: homecoming Where stories live. Discover now