Part 11

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Kevin entered a café and saw a teenage girl with black hair with some blue streaks sitting patiently "Amber." Kevin said sitting down "Kevin." Amber said and she continued to drink her smoothie and Kevin said "I need your help." and amber raised her eyebrow and replied "With what?" Kevin sighed and said "I need to take out the campers leader, I failed twice. If i fail one more time he'll kill me." Amber knew what he meant and said "I can't help you." Kevin looked at her and said "Can't you shift into a yutyrannus?" Amber then said "Yeah but i don't want to lose control and hurt anyone." Kevin nodded and got up amber then followed throwing her smoothie in the garbage as she walked out. Amber went back to her apartment while Kevin went back to InGens base to get ready to kill Darius. Kevin looked at Max who nodded and started to get ready while Susie put on a InGen helmet and she looked at Kevin who put two pistols in his holsters. Amber meanwhile opened up her storage and took out a hunting rifle and put it on her back and she put on the motorcycle helmet and jacket and she sat down to wait.

Darius was still on edge after the attack done by Kevin and Max and he looked out the window looking while Toro was lying in the main room on the floor in a deep sleep. Darius' new phone ringed in his pocket and he checked it, it was from Brooklynn and the text said 'meet at the abandoned building.' Darius got up and left alone and went to the old abandoned building and he walked inside and saw Brooklynn tied up and he saw Kevin with Brooklynn's phone and he tossed it aside "well hello Darius." Kevin said smirking and Darius asked Kevin "What do you want Kevin?" and Kevin replied "You dead." Darius looked at the pair of pistols in Kevin's holsters but Darius barely dodged Kevin's sword and Darius grabbed a sword and started to stand defensively  but Kevin who was more experienced then him by a long shot stood like a fencer and strikes at Darius who could only respond with blocks 5 time out of 10 strikes and Kevin broke the blades on both his and Darius' swords and they engaged in a 1 vs 1 in their dinosaur forms but like last time darius was easily beaten thanks to Max charging him into a support and the platform above them began to crumble. Brooklynn broke free of the ropes in her Croythosaurus form and she bashed into Max knocking him back giving Darius enough time to get up. Amber jumped down and shifted and she smacked Brooklynn away and she flew into another support and Amber then grabbed Darius by teh horns and threw him into a pipe. Amber then saw trail of rope and she saw a bundle of branches together covered gasoline and she saw a flame. The sticks exploded causing a fire "We need to get out of here!" Darius said and the otehr shifters agreed and Darius charged through a wall into the outside world and the others followed "Wait Susie is still in there." Kevin said and charged back in to the building he then came back out Susie coughing.

The six shifters ran into the forest and Darius slumped to the ground "It was InGen who did this." Susie said coughing "Well, if InGen doesn't want us, can we join your group?" Kevin said looking at Darius and Brooklynn "Alright fine, but no funny business." Darius said and Kevin, Amber, Max, and Susie nodded. 

author note:

Looks like InGen just tried to kill their own troops, what will this mean for teh other survivors of InGens army?


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