Part 13

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government officials watched the video again but were still dumb founded about a dinosaur on the mainland. The video showed a ceratosaurus stalking a small herd of boars in a field "How could a Ceratosaurus get off the island?" One official asked and another replied "It must have gotten smuggled off." the officials then look at a photograph of a triceratops and naustoceratops fighting along with a giganotosaurus nudging the hood of a car. Their eyes finally land on a photo of a Baryonyx running next to a car.  Then they look at a video which shows Amber shifting into her Yutyrannus form "call in InGens leader." one said and the leader walked in and saw the  photographs "I'm already assembling teams to catch the dinosaurs." He said and the government officials nodded and the leader walked out. He then ordered Robertson and Jacob to assemble their forces and capture the Campers.

Ben grunted as he lifted a rock off of Limbo's foot and the baryonyx limped off and he started to lick his foot "Limbo, your foot is fine." Ben says facepalming and Limbo grumbled as he lied down to sleep while Ben walked back into his house and he fell over on the couch exhausted from a day of chasing Chaos around with a hose after the baryonyx rolled in a puddle, training with Kevin who was actually a challenge unlike Kenji was was easily beaten, and finally trying to resist his dinosaur urges in the shopping center. He also finally noticed that Limbo and Chaos had head crests, Ben looked at the ceiling of his house and he broadly counted the tiny holes in the ceiling until he felt something sharp hit his neck and he grabbed it and yanked it out, it was a tranquillizer dart and he quickly blacked out. limbo woke up and saw the back gate open and he wandered out while Chaos and Bumpy were darted and transported and Limbo heard voices "Where's the other Baryonyx?" Limbo watched through the holes in the fence as the other person shrugs. And he darted off as the trucks sped off

later on Requiem woke up in a shipping container and he looked out the small holes and saw highway, he was being moved to an InGen compound and he knew he couldn't break out since they must've drugged him and he growled as it began to rain. Yaz meanwhile woke up in another truck and she held her head and she remembered trying to fight off InGen who were trying to capture her. "My head still hurts." Yaz said rubbing her head and she looked and saw Sammy, Brooklynn, Susie, and Amber knocked out as well and Yaz grumbled as weakly got up and walked over to Amber and woke her up "What happened?" Amber asked in pain and Yaz replied "InGen caught us." Limbo watched from a hill as he saw the convoy heading to the facility and he growled lowly in hate at InGen, his creators having his family in small cages. Limbo snarled but decided not to act yet and he slinked up close to the facility but stayed in the forest and he lied down to sleep.

Author note:
With the campers captured, Limbo being the only one who escaped, can limbo save his family or will they be used in InGen's experiments. Find out next time.

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